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I'm at the Dolan twins house it's just me and Grayson though ever since we hung out that one night we've been chilling alone a lot lately I kind of think I'm falling for him but I don't know

"you want anything from Starbucks." he asks pulling out his phone to post-mate it "sure an vanilla latte please." i say standing up off of the comfortable gray couch

"here." i say pulling out a 5 dollar bill to pay him back he chuckles a little "keep it." "no way you've already paid for to much." i say with a 'I'm not kidding face'

"i like paying." he shrugs smiling walking away ; ordering, I sigh pulling out my phone seeing a text from the sister squad group chat

James : what are we going to do for our collab?

Emma : on my channel we could do like a meet Santa thing or some shit

Ethan : what do you guys think about getting presents for each other?

let's just say it's a tie between me and emma on never having video ideas but this time i was the only one without a video idea and Ian

Me : i honestly don't know. I'll think about it.

I click out of my messages going on social media seeing fan pages going on something about the have a picture of me and Grayson kissing in one of my polaroids on my wall

definitely not, it was probably of us hugging or something. mine and Graysons relationship is completely a friendship, i think?

a knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts "vanilla latte and a pink drink?" i girl about our age ask "yep." "okay here you go." she says handing the drinks to Grayson

"thanks, bye." he says politely "here you go." he says handing me my drink our hands slightly touching

i look up at him as he does to me, looking back and forth between my lips but then coughs awkwardly

"what do you want to watch?" he asks referring to when we were trying to pick out a movie "it does matter." i shrug my shoulders walking back to the couch

i hear him laughing i turn around "why are you laughing?" "the post-mates girl.she put her number on my cup." he says laughing some more

"what?" i say jealousy running through my body "yeah." he says turning his cup around to show me

i roll my eyes grabbing my keys "I'll talk to you later." i start walking towards the door "i thought we were gonna watch a movie." he asks following behind me

"something came up." i say rudely walking out into my car

i sit on my bed thinking of how rude i was to Grayson ; feeling bad i pick up my phone seeing a message

gray : what was that about?

me : i don't know.

gray : it seemed like you were..jealous.

me : um what?

gray : the way you acted when i showed you my cup , a total different mood

me : i honestly don't know , maybe i was jealous ,who knows

gray : you, was jealous of her?

me : i know Grayson it doesn't make sense to me either

gray : come over .

me : what?

gray : please

me : im on my way.

i really didn't wanna go back there , i mean i had just admitted to being jealous i sigh grabbing my keys and walking outside

i knock twice waiting for an answer till the door opens "hey." i say awkwardly "hey." he says moving out of the way so i could come in

"what's u-" i was cut off with lips on mine , i hesitated but kissed back he finally pulls away leaving me in shock "what was that for?"

"i like you..like,like like you." he smiles awkwardly "im sorry i just came on like that, it's just-" "i like you too." i smile

they finally are together , sorry this update took forever I've had writers block

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btw so sorry this is so short like i said writers block 🙄

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