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"grayson will you hand me by phone?" i ask as he scrolls threw his phone sitting on my couch "here." he says picking it up

"who is Austin?" he asks raising his eyebrows "what?" i say furring my eyebrows i look down out my phone seeing a text message from 'austin🙄'

austin🙄: hey ;) what's your plans for today?

"i thought i blocked him." i say rolling my eyes putting my phone in my back pocket "guess not,who is he?" he questions more interested

"my over obsessive ex." i say fixing me a smoothie "ex huh?never heard of him." he say standing up "i don't want anyone to know about him." i say flatly

"why's he still texting you?" he questions "i don't know, like i said i thought i blocked him."
i reply "whatever." he says grabbing his keys walking out my front door

leaving me standing there absolutely stunned

me : what the hell was that about?
me : grayson?
read 10:26

he left me on read which made me very mad and confused, why did he just flip out like that maybe he's jealous?
i hop in my car getting ready to go to my photoshoot when i decide i wanted to stop in and check on grayson which is exactly what i do

i knock three times before the door opens to reveal ethan "hey e." i smile "hey." he replies "where's Grayson." i ask "back in the gym."
he says pointing to it "thanks."

i walk back there "knock,knock." i say walking in he turns around to look at me then goes right back to doing more pull ups

i go and take a seat beside him on the bench press thing "i just wanted to stop by and say hi before i go to this shoot." i say "hi." he says flatly with rudeness laced in his voice

"what's up with you?one minute your all lovey dovey and the next a brutal dick." i snap, he looks just as shocked as me

"Austin, he's the problem." he says shaking his head laughing slightly "why?hes literally nothing to me,like at all,ask emma i told her about him." i say standing up

"i don't like the fact that he still texts you trying to get with you." he says as if im dumb

"i would never ever get back with him gray,i need you to trust me." i wrap my hands around his neck

"i do trust you,i just don't trust him." he says looking down at my lips wrapping his arms around my waist

"i haven't seen him since last year,that ship has sailed." i peck his lips releasing my hands from around his neck

"what?where are you going?" he says pulling my wrist lightly "i have a shoot with Calvin Klein." i laugh

"i want you to stay." he complains pulling me back in "i wish i could,but this is a big deal for me and im already on thin ice with katie." i say

"she doesn't like me very much,does she?" he laughs "no,she does she just wants the best for me." i smile

"i do to,that's why you need to go,as much as i don't want you to you got to." he laughs pushing away from him smacking my ass as im leaving

i laugh at his cringe actions and continue walking out of the gym "bye bitch!" i yell towards Ethan "bye asswipe!" he replies as i open the door walking outside

i hop in my car turning it on going to the beach which is where my photoshoot is
"that was a short photoshoot." i say as im putting my clothes back on talking to katie

"yeah,they wanted to go somewhere more professional." she says looking like she's hiding something

"professional?what do you mean?" i say slipping my shirt on confused

"like figi!" she yells "what!" i yell full of excitement "yeah in a month or two,calvin Klein wants to meet you." she smiles

"me?!" i yell smiling "yes!" she laughs after a couple of minutes im able to contain my excitement "hey can you clear my schedule next weekend,im going to New Jersey with Grayson." i say looking up to her

"getting serious huh?" she ask turning around to go get my schedule "yeah,i really really like him,Katie." i smile of the thought of him

"just don't forget your main priorities right now." she looks at me sternly "i won't i promise." i smile

"tommy hilfiger photoshoot will be rescheduled to next week on Tuesday,don't forget." she says "okay ill see you i gotta go,bye love ya." i say walking out the door

"you too."


Gray: come overrr

Me : you come over i just got in

Gray : omw

i get up from my couch making me a strawberry and banana smoothie when i hear the door open

"hey babe." i say pouring my smoothie into a cup "hey." he puts his keys on my counter

he comes over giving me a quick kiss smiling
next chapter will be them going to New Jersey !! pls follow ,vote and comment !!

peace ✌🏼

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