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weeks later back in la.

me and grayson have been planning a trip to miami for a while now to figure out where we stand as couple since all the problems.

we are leaving tomorrow.

we just landed in miami and they trip has already been a lot of fun me and grayson have been doing extremely good and it's been fun.

i remembered that grayson on the day back we got back from Australia grayson pranked me on my OWN channel.

i decided the day we leave,I will get a little pay back.
day they leave. (sorry im skipping through days so much lmao)

"hi guys," i talk to my camera "so grayson pranked me a couple of days ago so i decided it was time to get him back." i smirk.

"he went to the store across the street from the hotel right now so he isn't here,so basically we planned this trip to find out where we stand as a couple." i say taking a sip of my iced coffee.

"this week has been really great and we gotten along really really good,but basically I am gonna be telling grayson i just wanna be friends and this trip made me realize i don't like him like that." i say laughing.

"i feel so bad for this already." i laugh sitting up the camera,about five minutes later i hear shuffling at the door "he's coming," i tell the camera grabbing my phone and running to the bed taking a seat.

"hey," he says sitting a bag on the table "hi." i lightly smile "is your suitcase packed?we have to leave in about twenty minutes." he says walking towards me.

"yeah," i sigh "can i talk to you for a minute." i ask standing up "about what?" his eyebrows furrow.

"take a seat." i say to him "why do i have to sit." he laughs sitting down "i mean this week has been really really fun," i smile "yeah," he smiles as well.

"but,i mean i think we had more fun as friends." i say,this actually hurt me saying that "what?" he says quickly becoming confused.

"i just think we are better as friends." i sigh "what?you just lost feelings for me?" he asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"i mean,i guess." i shrug "you were all lovey dovey yesterday," he says standing up as i take seat "how do you go from loving someone to just suddenly losing feelings?" he questions.

"i guess this trip made me realize." i shrug looking up to him "what the fuck?" he whispers to himself.

"so this trip i planned to figure out where we stood made you lose feelings?" he asks i stay silent "so,if we were just sitting at home on the couch you would still love me?" he asks confused.

"i started to realize before the trip so i guess the trip just brought it out more." i shrug.

"so you just let me plan this trip when you already knew you were losing feelings?" he says  furiously,he looks down at the time "we gotta go." he puts his hands on his head.

"did you have your camera?" he asks looking back at me "i think it's right here." i say grabbing the camera that's been recording this whole time.

as we are walking out he slips on the tile "oh my go-this is the worst fucking day!" he says to himself.

when we get to the elevator he pushes my suitcase away from me "oh,okay,ill just make sure we have everything." i say going after my suitcase.

"he's never not got my suitcase before and he just pushed it away from me." i laugh at the camera i was now holding up since he was gone.

we get in the uber and he hasn't said one single word to me at all,we finally reach the airport i put up the camera because,i told him i would be vlogging for my channel.

we get on the plane and i pull up the camera facing it on him "i don't wanna vlog today." he says looking at me "what?you always vlog with me." i laugh.

"not today,you broke my heart in a way." he says looking back at the window he fell asleep "i feel so bad." i whisper to the camera popping out my bottom then the facing it towards him.

we got off the plane and i couldn't find him for like thirty minutes before i found him sitting down doing something.

"what are you doing?" i ask with the camera in his face "none of your business,looking for a new girlfriend." he says jokingly my mouth opens showing that i was 'hurt'.

"you don't care about me." i say sadly "no,not right now i don't," i knew he did he was just saying that because of the camera.

"that's what happens when you break someone's heart." he says shrugging "you just said you didn't care about me,and that breaks my heart." i say holding my heart.

i finally got on the plane,and grayson wasn't there and it was about to leave "grayson isn't here yet and the plane is about to leave,i should have told him already." i sigh to the camera.

he finally comes "i thought you weren't gonna come," i say looking up to him "i walked on the wrong isle." he laughs and so do I.

"does anyone wanna switch me seats." he laughs putting his hand up "stop." i laugh putting his hand down and he laughs to.

we finally got off the plane and waiting on our car "im so mad at you,this is the worst day ever." he rolls his eyes pulling out his phone.

i stay quiet "you know what makes it even worse?" i say as he looks up at me "what?are you like getting fucking married." he throws his hand up.

"no,this was a prank!" i laugh "what?" he says with his mouth open "i fucking hate you." he says laughing picking me up.

he kisses me and laughs "it was payback!" i say referring to him pranking me.

i end the video and go home.
lmao,if i made grayson like drink or smoke would you guys be okay with that?idk if i am..

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(I got this idea from nate and karissa lol)

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