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"hey," i say walking down the steps after getting ready "do you wanna grab breakfast?" grayson ask looking up from his phone.

"yeah,i'm starving." i say picking my phone up off the table,he stands up grabbing his keys walking out the door,me following behind him.

"where do you wanna go?" he ask "i don't really care." i shrug scrolling through my phone "okay,let's go to the usual place." he says.

"i feel like we should take a trip somewhere, just me and you, like we did in maimi." i say to grayson.

"me too," he sighs "i feel like we aren't as close anymore or something like that." i laugh awkwardly grabbing his hand.

"i agree." grayson smirks leaning in,his phone goes off causing us to pull away,he looks down to it.

"we will talk tomorrow okay?i have to go." he smiles kissing me quickly,then walking to the table grabbing his keys.

"where are you-" i ask as he's walking to the door,before i could even get the question out he was already out the door.

"going." i say to myself finishing the sentence,i sigh walking to my coffee machine making me a coffee.

after my coffee is ready i walk to the couch looking through my firestick which allows me to watch movies in theaters.

i click on 'avengers : endgame' and go make me a salad as fast as i could so i didn't miss anything.
next day.

i knock on the twins door,ethan opens the door letting me in.

"is gray here?" i say after we greet each other "no,i thought he was with you." he says his eyes furrowing.

"no,i haven't seen him since last night,he got a text a just left." i say immediately becoming confused.

ethan sighs,"i was afraid this would happen." he rolls his eyes sitting on the arm of the couch "what would happen?" i say worried.

"graysons old friend is back in town,he is not good news." he says looking stressed "why?whats so bad about him?" i say becoming more curious over the second.

"he smokes weed,drinks alcohol,plays with a bunch of girls feelings,and more." he rolls his eyes crossing his arms.

"what?!" i say surprised,how did i not know grayson had a friend like this.

"yeah," he sighs "how does he even know him,and why is he friends with him?" i ask now taking a seat.

"we went to school with him,he was a good kid,we were best friends then he hung out with other people that wasn't any good and started doing all this stuff," he stops for a second.

"he made a bet to his new 'friends' that he could sleep with our sister so i stopped being friends with him and gray threatened to beat his ass, but a year later he apologized and gray forgave him i didn't though." he shrugs.

"what's he doing in la?" i ask crossing my arms leaning back "i don't know,grayson came in at like ten last night and told me he was back in town then changed his clothes and left,so i just thought he went to your house." he shrugs.

"you don't think he would do anything right?" i ask ethan looks up to me and doesn't say anything,"ethan,he's not gonna do anything, right?" i say raising an eyebrow sitting up.

"no,no sorry." he says apologizing for not replying "okay," i let out a sigh of relief "he'll probably be back soon." he stands up.

"alright, i'm gonna go get some food, tell him i stopped by." i say opening the door and walking out.
whew tea.

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