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I wake up to my alarm clock it's approximately 10:00am i roll out of bed grabbing clothes and hopping in the shower after I'm done I get changed and do causal stuff like brush my teeth and hair

I go back into my bedroom and pick up my phone seeing it blown up with tweets from fans most of them saying how sorry the were and others saying I basically 'confirmed' it

I sigh and tweet a quick appreciation post to my fans

as put my phone in my back pocket of my loose ripped denim jeans that I was wearing along with a black crop top and walked downstairs and sit on my couch when I get a text from my manager, Katie

Katie : hey , just wanted to remind you that you have a shoot with Calvin Klein tomorrow at 4:00

Me : okay thank you !

I look at my clock and realize it's almost one I grab my keys off my kitchen island and walk out side hoping in my black bmw sticking the key in the ignition

Gray : hey you wanna go grab something to eat?

Me : yeah sure I was on my way to go get something to eat 😂 I'll just pick you up on the way?

Gray : sounds cool

I start driving off and directing my way to the twins house and finally reach my destination

Me : hey I'm outside

Gray : I'll be out there in a minute

I look through my friends stories on Instagram until I hear my door open and shut

"hey gray" I say starting up the car looking at him "hey" "where do you wanna go?" "It's whatever" he says shrugging pulling out his phone" "we can go to in and out" I say shrugging as well

he gives a simple sure as I turn on the radio at the volume 14 and we start a small conversation we finally pull up to the window ordering what we want

after we eat we try to find something else to do "I kinda wanna play Mario kart" I laugh "dude me too" "we can go to Best Buy and get one?" I say more a question "for sure" he says getting excited as I laugh

we get out the car and walk into Best Buy and walk into a aisle grabbing what we need we are walking to a cashier when we hear "uh hi I'm sorry but can I have a photo?" a girl about thirteen or fourteen asked us

I look behind her to see about three or four more fans "of course" I say smiling she takes a quick picture and hugs both me and gray we do that about four more times before going to the cashier

"that will be $50.78 please" I smile at her pulling out my card before Grayson puts his hand on mine stopping me "no I got it" he says smiling without showing his teeth "no it's fine" I giggle "please" he says "fine but I'm paying you back" I fake roll my eyes

he slides his card getting a receipt "thank you guys, and you to make a cute couple" the woman around 50-60 said "oh we're no- thank you" I said smiling once again

we walk out side walking back to my car "why didn't you tell her we weren't dating?" Grayson laughs "ah , it's easier just to go along with it" I say shrugging my shoulders and opening my car door

"You wanna go to my house so we can set this up and play?" I ask putting the key in the ignition starting it up "yeah for sure" he says scrolling through his phone

"dude your going down" I say pointing down to the ground "in your dreams loser" he rolls his eyes laughing I pull out my phone and recording which character I picked captioning my Instagram story with 'I love Mario cart'

Grayson does the same thing but snaps a picture of him with the remote saying 'sup' then we finally start the game

"what are you guys doing for your next video?" I ask looking over at him because we are now just chilling on my tan ; comfortable couch

"I think I might prank Ethan" he says smiling just thinking about "what do you have In mind I could help?" I say turning more in his direction

"I don't know yet,maybe spray paint his car?" he says shrugging thinking about it "that sounds cool but won't he like..kill you?" I ask with a funny face "I mean I'll get it fixed" he chuckled


I wake up in on my couch , dang I must've past out I hear a bunch of dings like text messages dings who could be texting me that much?

I go to get up but realize a arm wrapped around me, shit ,I look up to see Grayson sound asleep we must have fallen asleep

l slowly get up out of his arms and get up to get my phone seeing the time 3:24pm, dang, see slept this late I look through my text messages

Katie : don't forget Calvin Klein
Katie : get up
Katie : where are you?
Katie : you better not be late this is a good opportunity
Katie : I'm here where are you??

Me : shit
Me : I'm on my way promise , just stall them a bit ,?

Katie : fine but hurry get your ass down here !

I quickly run over to the couch I guess Ethan was blowing grays phone up because his was going off as well I run up to him and shake him

"Ethan quit" he says in a raspy voice, that was actually kinda hot, ew what am I saying he's like a brother to me "gray you have to get up I'm almost late"

he pops up "oh shit" he says "did we fall asleep" 
"yeah but I have an appointment, see you later?" I ask hoping we can hang later "yeah bye" he says grabbing everything and leaving

I run up my cold metal stairs skipping a few steps throwing on any clothes knowing I'm just gonna have to chance when I get to the photoshoot

"ugh , finally done" I say to my manager,Katie "yeah you almost didn't make it" she says with a parent face "I'm sorry I kinda got lost in my sleep" I say yawning

Katie is my manager but she's also my best friend basically one of the two that I talk to from my childhood I've known her since I was two years old

"In your sleep?" she says confused picking a donut off of the table "I woke up in Graysons arm" I whisper "what?" she almost yells

"you didn't-" "no no of course not" "I would of" she looks at me and smiles "oh my gosh" I slap her on the shoulder and start laughing


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