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" shut up ethan," I laugh "he is not in love with me!" i smack his arm "he totally is,did you not see his face?" he said pointing back to where froy was.

"yeah i don't like they way he looks at you." grayson rolls his eyes "ohh graysons jealous." emma laughs beside me.

he laughs telling her to shut up.

i decided to take emma,ethan, and grayson to my photoshoot not knowing froy would be there.
i hear a knock on my door i smile going to open the door quickly.

"james!" i hell throwing my arms around him "hey bitch ass." he laughs "don't ever leave me for that long again," i laugh unwrapping my hands.

they all say their greetings to James then we go to the movies to watch a new one that just came out.

"that movie was pretty good,i guess." i shrug "that movie was shit." emma laughs "yeah." grayson,James,and ethan say at the same time.

i laugh heading back into the car,i look down to see my shoe untied i look back up sighing before I see who i didn't want to see ever again.

"laci?" grayson says beating me to it "oh,um hey." she gives an awkward smile we stand there awkwardly before my eyes fall to the mysterious boy beside her.

she looks beside her seeing the boy with a confused and awkward look on his face.

"oh um,this is my boyfriend,Robert." she smiles going to hold his hand "you have a boyfriend?" grayson asks.

i ignore the fact that Grayson sounds super jealous right now "well,we should let you guys go,congratulations,I'm glad you're happy." i smile.

"thanks emily." she smiles before i walk past her "anyone wanna tell me what that was." james says from behind me.

"I'll explain in the car." i sigh.
next morning.

we all had a little sleepover and now are up.

"hey,i should head out,i have to meet nick." james says,nick is a guy james is recently talking to.

"yeah i should to." i say standing up from the twins perfectly soft grey couch "where are you going?" grayson asks quickly.

i still haven't confronted him about being jealous last night,i don't wanna start anything and over react over something that's in the past.

"i have to go meet with nicole,then we're going to go hang out with Zach,nick,and Edwin." i grab my phone off the table.

"your gonna go hangout with a bunch of dudes?" he says squinting his eyes "no,im going to hangout with nicole," i say giving him a 'duh' face.

"whatever." he stands up from the couch "okay then." i roll my eyes walking to the door.

i can't do anything without Grayson getting jealous,i don't know what I'm gonna do.

James is back!!!!

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