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"do you wanna go on a date?" Grayson asks making his bed "like an actual date?" i ask "our fans will flip." i laugh

"they don't have to know." he shrugs smiling I laugh "you're cute,our fans are like detectives."

"i mean emma and ethan do it all the time, they never figure out." he says walking over to me as i sit on his computer desk

"i guess your right." i smile "okay but let's have it at my place at 6:00, i gotta go talk with Katie." "okay, can i have your key?" he says holding his hands out

"for what?" i laugh "im gonna go set up." he smile i laugh giving him a quick kiss "here." i say hoping down going to get my phone and getting in my phone case getting the extra key out

"this is my extra key." i say putting it in my hand "i gotta go see ya later!" i lightly yell walking out
i put my clothes on as fact as i because I'm already 30 minutes late i run out to my car driving to her office
"hey, sorry im late, me and grayson we're talking a-" i start until i was cut off "you can't let your relationship with him get in the way of what is important." she snaps

"im not dating him and im not letting him get in the way if anything!" i raise my voice a little

"you'll end up losing your job and will only depend on youtube emily!" she snaps back

"and that will be my problem to deal with,won't it." i snap back after that it stayed quiet for a little

"listen I'm sorry,it's just you've came so far i don't want you to give up now." she smiles "i know,im sorry too I've just been under a lot of pressure i know you only want what's best for me." i smile

"okay well you have an appointment with tommy hilfigier at 4:00pm don't be late." she says sternly "okay,okay." i put my hands up in defense
im starting to walk into my apartment when i remember my date with Grayson i smile about the thought of it

"ta-da." he smile, i look around to see candles lit a red table sheet on the table and some steak and appetizers on both plates

"oh my gosh." i drop my jaw "is it bad?" he ask slightly worried "it's fucking amazing." i say smiling at him

he smiles as i go over to take a seat in front of him he pushed my chair in and takes a seat as well

"it would of been better to get wine for the occasion but we don't drink so i got water." he laughs and so do I

"this is honestly so cute gray." i smile not being able to stop "im glad you like it." "ive never had a guy do this much for me."

i really haven't all my ex's are douchebags i really knew how to choose them

"really?" he asks confusion all over his face "yeah." "why you're so perfect,everything anyone can ask for."

i feel a heated sensation on my cheeks "quit it you're making me blush." i playfully smack him but i was being honest

he laughs and starts eating as do i "you know we shout try this." he says after moments of silence

"what?" i say not knowing what he was taking a about "the whole." he stops for a minute thinking "couple thing." he says awkwardly

"grayson bailey dolan." i say dropping my fork "are you asking me out?" i smile "mayybe." he says stretching out the words as i laugh

"okay,i guess." i laugh planting a soft kiss on his lips finishing my dinner
hey guys sorry it takes me so long to update I've had writers block but i honestly am greatful for the support on this book check out my other ones if you haven't already :)

im gonna start doing like an amount of votes i have to get to update im gonna start off small bc my book isn't that big lol

let's say 4 votes for next chapter

and plz follow for more updates !!

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