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weeks later.

ive been trying to hangout with both emma and ethan but it's really hard.

today im hanging out with emma sitting on my couch.

"i wanna get payback on grayson for pranking me," i say taking a sip of my iced coffee, grayson pranked me like a week ago saying another girls name in his sleep.

"yeah,you should do that." emma smiles "i don't know what to do though," i say thinking after a couple minutes emma speaks up.

"oh my gosh,you should say that your pregnant." she laughs "yes!im gonna do that." i laugh with her.
next day.

im sitting on graysons bed and i pull out my camera,it's like eight o'clock at night.

"hey guys,it's emily," i smile to the camera "so last week,grayson pranked me on my own channel,again and i want to get him back." i explain.

"basically,he said another girls name in his sleep,well im going to be telling grayson that im pregnant." i sigh "im actually very scared and i don't know how he is gonna react but i guess I'll find out." i say.

"right now,he is talking to ethan so i don't know how long he will be,but i am gonna set the camera up and hide it as well as i can so he can't see it." i say getting up.

i hide the camera as well as i can,i think ive done a pretty good job,i try out a couple angles on the bed to see if you could see it and you couldn't.

"okay,so i think it's hidden pretty good,i can even see it when i was sitting on the bed so i think we should be good." i say.

"I'm gonna go sit on the bed and get on my phone and wait for him to come back." i say climbing into the bed.

after a couple minutes he finally walks into the room,nervousness fills my body.

"hey," he smiles walking into the room "hey." i smile back "im so tired,let's cuddle." he says laying beside me putting his hand around me.

"i have to talk to you." i say to him "what?" he says getting up laughing "it's serious gray." i smile.

"okay," he says getting in-front of me on the bed holding himself up by his elbows " i was just thinking that i wanted to be more open and honest with you," i say playing with the covers.

he starts to laugh "what?" i say looking down at him "are you getting me back?" he asks looking up to me smiling.

"what?" i ask furrowing my eyebrows "are you pranking me?" he asks "no," i shake my head.

"i just wanna be more open with each other," i sigh as he laughs again "grayson,im serious." i slap him on the shoulder.

he sighs and comes over to me a little grabbing my hand "you can trust me,and be open with me." he looks up to me.

"im.." i pause for a minute "pregnant." i sigh he starts laughing "whats funny?" i ask raising my hand a little them dropping it.

"you're definitely pranking me." he laughs "no,deadass this isn't something i would joke about gray." i say seriously.

"i took a test,and it said i was pregnant." i say looking up at him as he sits up in the middle of the bed.

"can i see the test?" he asks laying back down "i took it at home,but you can call and ask emma she was there." i say lightly.

"you're serious?" he ask raising an eyebrow "yes," i sigh "how long are you?" he ask as i shrug.

"i thought you were on birth control?" he ask looking up at me "i mean,i am im just really bad at taking it." i play with the covers some more.

he sighs putting his head in his hands "what are we gonna do?" he ask looking back up to me "what about our plans?our careers?" he ask as i shrug.

"I'm not fit to be a dad right now emily," he sighs "you think im fit to be a mom?" i ask looking up to him.

"i mean your eighteen,i just turned nineteen we aren't gonna be able to do this." he shakes his head "how am i gonna tell my parents?how are you gonna tell your parents?how are we gonna keep this away from social media?" he ask.

"we can't have it." he says "i mean it's a hard decision,we don't have to make it right now,we have plenty of time." i say running my hands through my hair.

he sighs laying down beside me and interlocks our hands "i mean we'll figure it out together." he says.

we sit in silence "people will have an actual reason to call me daddy now." he laughs "that was a bad joke." he says getting up to comfort me.

"you know what's are better joke?" i ask "what?" he says "i just pranked your ass!" i yell pushing him laughing.

"i knew it!" he laughs.

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