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a week later.

i haven't talked to grayson in forever, i miss him so much, i can't help but to wonder what he is doing and where he's at.

me : hey e, have you seen gray? is he doing good?

e : yeah, he hasn't been hanging out with zack, he told me he was bad for him and he finally saw it.
e : we are on our way to new jersey rn, he said something about 'finding himself.'

me : that's amazing, thanks for letting me know.

e : np.

i told amanda,emma, and olivia about it, they were just as surprised as i was, i didn't wake up knowing i was gonna break up with him.

i just think that if i'm gonna date someone, i want them to be 100% their self.

i just think that if i'm gonna date someone, i want them to be 100% their self

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liked by ethandolan,graysondolan, and 568,378 others

@emilymartin : i miss san fransico 🥺

@_emmachamberlain : me too🥺

@ethandolan : two headless pics in a row,wow

"i need to postmate coffee from philz right now!" emma yells "get me some too!" i yell back at her.

i hear my phone go off so i check it.

jake paul : hey, you wanna like go grab a dinner or maybe film a video?

"oh my gosh!" i yell laughing "what?" amanda says looking over at me "jake paul just tried hitting me up." i laugh.

"oh my god, he tried hitting me up too." emma says dying from laughter.


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@fan : OMG IM LITERALLY SHAKING I JUST MET EMMA AND EMILY SKSKSKS (sorry it's so blurry, i was deadass shaking so bad, emily has to take the pic for me)

@fan2 : omg lucky, i wish i could meet them 🥺
@fan : reply^ you will, i used to think that too!!!

@fan3 : were they nice? i'm just curious?

@fan : reply^ they were so sweet and amazing x!

   @fan : reply^ they were so sweet and amazing x!

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@fan : does anyone remember this?because i know i do

@fan : i miss them so much 🥺 they haven't hung out in weeks

i miss all of us being together so much, but i'm gonna give grayson his space and let him be himself again.
three weeks later.

i haven't talked to grayson that much, he's just gave me little updates, last night he told me he felt like himself again.

i was scrolling through instagram when i got a dm

youtube : hey emily! we our having our creator summit, we would love to have you!

emilymartin : of course, i would love to come

youtube : it's in new york, may 1-3

emilymartin : i will be there!

i know that more then likely emma,ethan, and grayson will be there, maybe james too.

emma : hey are u going to the creator summit thing

me : yeah u?

emma : yeah
emma : we're sharing a room bitch

me : i know bitchass
so maybe they will reunite? idk 😳

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