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"hi,lisa." i say opening my my arms for a hug to the woman who had just lost her husband "hi emily." she says sadly,her tear stained cheeks smushed against my shoulder as we hug.

"thank you for coming." she says walking back into the church.

it was Sean's funeral,i had only met him once but he was super nice and fun to hang out with,i was truly sorry this happpened.

"you ready to go in yet?" i look over at grayson,i could tell him didn't wanna go in,he didn't wanna see his dads lifeless body lay in the casket.

"y-yeah,I'm good let's go." he gives me a fake smile before grabbing my hand and walking inside the church.

"hey ethan." i say as we take a seat beside them,he gives me a faded smile "hi emma." i say looking over ethan at her.

"hey." she smiles lightly,we all knew this was a sad time.
one month later.

i was hanging out with emma,olivia,Amanda when we all decided to call it a day and go home.

i went back to the twins because grayson asked me to come over,i think they might be filming a video but i didn't know.

i open the door because grayson told me to just walk in,"hey." grayson smiled "hi emily." ethan smiled,they were definitely up to something.

"um,hi?" i laugh,"when did you guys get Louie Vuitton?" i laugh sitting my purse down on the counter.

their smiles widened,i looked behind them seeing the camera,"why is there a camera,also?" i laugh again.

"you really don't notice?" ethan asked amused "notice what?" i say looking at him,"bro,this totally worked." they high five each other.

"what worked?" i ask furrowing my eyebrows "we arent wearing clothes." ethan laughs,"what?" i ask as more confusion flew through my head.

"we are only in our underwear,it's body paint." grayson says as if I'm dumb,i take a close look at it,walking around both of them "holy shit." i say amused.

"how did you guys do it?" i smile looking them up and down,"jeffere helped us get contacted to these really amazing people." he says watching me laughing at my amusement.

"we are about to go get gray some shoes to match,wanna come?" ethan asks pointing to his shoes showing they don't match.

"sure." i say putting my phone in my back pocket.
the twins house.

"we have to take this off now." grayson says to the camera,"have fun!" i yell from on his bed.

they turn off the camera,"this is gonna take forever!" ethan groans,"i know." grayson groans as well as i sit there laughing.

ethan walks into his room preparing to take a shower to get it off,"emily!" grayson yells i get up walking in the bathroom.

"this isn't coming off." he whines holding his phone up; recording "it wasn't gonna be easy." i laugh.

he looks at his phone rolling his eyes "literally it only comes off when I scratch at it." he says demonstrating into the phone.

"i gotta go,ill see you tomorrow." i say picking up my purse on the sink,"what why?" he ask fake pouting "i gotta take a shower." i laugh,"take one here." he says pointing to the shower.

"plus,i think you and e could use some alone time." i smile "we get alone time." he says frowning "not much anymore,either im with you or Emma's with him," I say.

"just spend some quality time with each other,I'll be back tomorrow." i smile "okay," he sighs "i love you." he kisses me softly.

"i love you too." i smile walking out the bathroom "have fun getting that off!" i yell before walking out his bedroom.
I honestly don't know.

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