(Chapter five) The Call

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From now on its in katniss' pov until I feel like I need to change it.

After I woke up from a restless night of tossing and turning. I went to prims room to tell her it was time to wake up. I then went into the kitchen to make breakfast. When I was gonna put the food on the table I saw a note from mom it said......

Dear Katniss & Prim,

I went out with Gary. Don't wait up.


Wow mom you have out done yourself. I thought to myself sarcastically. Prim came bounding down the stairs and then ran to her chair where her plante was.

"Did you call the music people yet?" Asked prim with her mouth full.

"Not yet and don't talk with your mouth full"

"Yeah, whatever. call him soon okay?"

"Okay mom" I replied my voice dripping with sarcasm

"whatever katniss" she said ending the conversation

The rest of breakfast was silent. Then we went to work at the hotel until 5:30 when mom got home. But she wasn't alone, she had gary with her.

"Hey katherine and Prim" he said smiling at us

"it's Katniss" I said back not smiling at all

"Whatever katniss we are going upstairs"

"Feel free"

They went upstairs without another word. I was about to go to my room when I almost stepped on my phone. I was gonna take a shower first but I decided that I would call the music people first.After two rings they picked up.

"Hi this is richard stone music producer how may I help you?"

" Yes hello this is Katniss Everdeen you guys sent me a letter"

"Ah yes miss everdeen.Are you calling for the talent show?"

"Yes I think so"

"Ok miss we will need you to come to california is that ok?"

"Yes sir it will be ok"

"Ok please come in four weeks early and you need to leave in a week"


"There will be a man there to pick you up and bring you here see you soon miss Everdeen"

"See you soon"

I then hung up and went to take a shower after that I went to bed.And that ended my day!

Thanks for the support guys love you all

Till next time


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