(Chapter 16) Meeting The Dancer And His Friends

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Day 4

I got up around eight to make breakfast for Thresh,Gale, and I. I don't know why I feel so happy. I think it has to do with being in California. I want to see famous places in California. I only have 37 days left and I don't think Gale or Thresh are into that kinda thing.

Speak of the devils. They came stumbling down the stairs. If I didn't knwo them i'd think they were drunk.

"Hmm what's that smell?" Asked Gale excitedly

"I made french toast and eggs"

"Yum thanks Kat"

They quickly go to the table, so quickly they end up tripping over each other. I stiffle a laugh as I walk over and give them there food. Then we try to make small talk.

"Wow Kat this is good"


"So what do you wanna do today,Catnip?"

"Just hangout with you guys until 9"

"What's happening at 9" They ask at the same time

"NightLife remember?"


After that breakfast was boring. After eleven we decided to just watch movies and hang around the hotel until nine. The first was Gales pick and he picked 22 jump street. Then Thresh picked Neighbors. After that I picked If I stay.

When those movies were over it was five. So we went to walk around the hotel because we didn't before.

The hotel had two pools. One had a divingboard, a slide, and a section for babies. The other was a regular lap lane.

The hotel also had a workout room, a room that was made for what looked liked relaxing, a spa room, a room that had a disco ball and a stage, and room for babies with a ballpit.

After checking out and maybe even playing in the ballpit. It was 8:30 and we went back up to our room to change. I had on a spring green dress with frills,a pair of spring green pumps, and a matching handbag, I also put on green eyeshadow, and light pink lipstick and curled the end of my hair.

Then Thresh got the keys and drove to NightLife.

When we got into the club. They once again left me and I went to the bar. As I got closer I saw five girls and three guys.

The first girl was wearing a really pretty pink and black dress with black sunglasses, light pink lipstick, pink nail polish, and black heels with bows, and her hair was put into a ponytail. The second girl had on a lighter pink dress also with sunglasses with pink lipgloss, and pink nail polish, tan flats, and had long red hair. The third girl had on all purple. Purple dress, sunglasses, nail polish, lipstick, and white heel, and her was put into a braded bun. The fourth girl had on a black and red dress, tan glasses, pink lipstick, red nail polish, and black heels,her hair was into a messy bun. The last girl had on all black. Black dress, black glasses, black nail polish, black boots, and black hair which was curled at the end.

Then the first guy had on a greyish brown button up, black glasses,and black shoes. The second had on a shirt that said "Normal people scare me", black glasses, and white and black vans. The last had on a red and black button, black glasses, and white and black shoes.

I ordered a lime martini and left to go find Peeta. I looked everywhere including his dressing room but found nothing. I finally found a ashy blond talking to the people at the bar.

I went up to them. They all turned to me.

"Sorry um" I turned to the blond

"May I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure be back guys"

He walked me into the back and took off his white and black sunglasses.

"How'd you know it was me?" Peeta asked shocked

"Your hair gave you away"


"Well you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah can we talk about that after I dance?"


"Ok then c'mon "

"Where are we going?"

"To meet people "

He started walking and then I followed him. First we walked up to the Dj stand.

"Okay Katniss this is a good friend of mine Dj Sparkle"

"Hello Katniss"


Dj Sparkle had curly blond hair that was dip died pink, sea green eyes with light freckles covering her nose. She was wearing a sweat shirt that said Nerd, jeans, black glasses, and a grey beanie. Something told me she was no nerd.

Then we walked to the bar.

"Katniss Zatara and Kent Nelson they are twins"


Zatara had brown hair, teal eyes, and tan skin. He was tall, and was thin but had muscle. He had a dark brown button up and jeans on. Kent Nelson had the same brown hair, teal eyes, and tan skin. He was also tall, thin but also had muscle. He had on a white, blue, and black button up and jeans.

Then we walked to the door where a bouncer stood.

"Katniss meet Slayer our bouncer"



She had brown hair, and brown eyes. She was 6'6" and very built. She was wearing a grey suit with a black tie under a bullet proof police suit.

Then we walked in only for Dj Sparkle to make an announcement.

"My good friends will be dancing in five"

"That's my que, meet me after okay?"


He went to walk away when I called out.

"Hey, good luck"

"Thanks Katniss"

I went back to the bar and sat next to the people he was talking to earlier. But I noticed it was only the girls now.

Five minutes later Peeta and three other guys and four girls came out in red suits and dresses.

:) Time skip (:

After the dance I met Peetaat his dressing room. He got there with the three guys.

"Hey was I good?" He asked hopefully


"You remeber Marvel, Finnick, and Cato right?"

"Yeah hello boys"

"Kitty" they replied together

"Okay Katniss-" the five girls from the bar ran in and cutt him off.

"You were so good"

"Katniss do you remember Clove, Annie, Glimmer, Madge,and Johanna?"

"Yeah hey girls"

"Hey Katniss" they replied simultaneously

"Thanks babe"Cato replied to Clove

"Thanks Ann" Finnick said to Annie

"Thanks Glim" Marvel said to Glimmer

"Anyway Katniss you must have a lot of questions, Can you guys go?"

"Sure bye Peet bye Katniss"

They left and we sat and talked for hours. I learned Peetas family are bakers, he has two brothers Josh and Derek, he wrestled in high school, and he learned to dance in 6th grade.

After we talked I left with Thresh,and Gale. When we got home I went straight to bed.

Hope you guys liked. Its long overdue.

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