(chapter 38) I dont know who did this but once i do, its gonna be bad, for them

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Peeta's pov

I wake up to the smell of pine and strawberries. It must be Katniss I love how she always smells of the woods and her favorite strawberry shampoo. I lay there with her head on my chest and just watch her sleep. I hope I don't look to creepy but she looks so cute when she sleeps she has this adorable pouty look. Anyway I feel her move to rub her eyes and look up at me.

"Have you been watching me sleep?" She asks me with her cute morning voice

"Yeah you look so cute when you sleep. That doesn't sound too creepy does it?" I ask her sounding worried

"No I think it's cute. Do you have to dance with the mob today?" She asks leaning on her shoulder facing me

"Yeah but we have to go to you guys first celeb party tonight but we will be don't by then they wanna meet at 2 and the parties at like 8 or 9"

"Okay" she says and then gets up and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. After I hear the shower turn on I walk out of our room I have to find Johanna.

I walk in the kitchen and don't see anyone in there so I go check the living room. Once again I don't see anyone. So I go check her and Gales room. I knock on the door three times and wait until Jo yells for me to come in.

I walk into the room to find Jo sitting on their bed playing on her phone and by the sound of running water Gales in the shower.

"Hey Jo I need to talk to you somewhere private"

"Okay just wait until gale gets out the shower and then we can talk in here, okay?"

"Yeah sure Jo I'm just gonna go check on Kat I'll bee back in a few" I then walk back to Katniss and I's room

"Peeta" Katniss screams

"Kat what is it" I scream back frantically

"Peeta finally I have been callimg you for ten minutes"

"Kat what is it? What do you need?" I ask still sounding a little frantic

"I um forgot to get my towel it should be on the bed can you give it to me?"

"Yeah sure but you could come get it" I tease her

"Yeah I'm good just put your hand through the door"

"Okay fineee"I whine stomping to the towel and open the door and put my hand through

"Thanks hun" I shut the door and then walk back to Jo and Gales room to see if he's out the shower

I knock on the door and listen to see if I hear anything.

"Okay Gale Peet want to talk to me in private so can you go out for a few" she asks in a sickly sweet voice

"Yeah I'm gonna go make something to eat" he tells her then walks out of their room so I can go in

"Okay Peet what's up?"

"Okay Jo the celeb party is at a resterant but its not a celeb party they want to do a mob at that expensive looking resterant a couple of blocks down" I tell her she has a thoughtful look and then she nods her head

"Also I think somethings gonna happen today so if anything does go down I need you to get your stuff and go no matter what okay?"

"Okay yeah sure Peet your the boss"she then saluts me

"Okay that's it you can get Gale now if you want" I then walk to the door but she stops me from going

"Hey wait Peet I need a favor"

"Sure what is it?"

"Um well Gale told me he loved me yesterday and I didn't know what to so I just said you too-" I then interup her

"And then he got all quiet and you thinks he thinks you don't love him but you do you were just shocked and don't know how to say it back cause your kinda scared of loving and you wanna know if you can practice saying it to me so you can tell him you love him, am I right?"

"Yeah spot on, so can i?" She asks me with her puppy dog eyes

"Yeah okay let's go...... okay look Jo I really love you"

"I um love you too" she studders

"Good that was good just use the confidence you always seem to have and you'll be good"

"Thanks peet thanks I owe you" she gets up and hugs me which kinda suprises me but I hug her back

"Okay I gotta go get ready but so do you we have a reservation at five so be ready oh and thats a hour from now so hurry up" I say as I walk into the kitchen to get a quick snack

I walk into the kitchen to see them all sitting at the table. I look at Gale and I see that he looks really mad for some reason and I have no idea why.

"Hey guys we have a reservation at five so is everyone ready?" I ask them all

"Yeah" they all chorus

"Okay cause we leave in 30" I say as I walk back to our room to get ready

30 minutes later we are all in the car and I am driving to the resterant as soon as we get there I start talking to them

"Look guys I got a late text saying that the crew wanted to do a mob here so you guys will be getting a table next to ours and we will be paying so you guys eat and hopefully you'll enjoy the show"

"Oh I know I will" Gale grumbles

I choose to ignore him and then we all get out of the car and I go to our table as Jo goes to the dj set hidden from plain view and they go to theirs. I sit and wait for the rest but for some reason I'm kinda nervous today. "Peet its okay nothings gonna happen" I tell myself. I take a deep breath and look over at Kat she must feel me looking so she looks over and smiles at me.

The rest of the crew walk in and they seperate as some of them don't dance. The dancers including Emily walk over and then the show begins.

Right after we are done. We hear a couple of men and woman yell the words that I know I should be scared of "Put your hands up" and then I know someone called the cops on us

Everybody leaves except the people in the mob. Including sadly Jo. They handcuff us and put us in the police car so we get taking to jail.

But the sad part is I don't know who did this but once I find out its on.

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