Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Anything in this arc is not to spread any hate towards any of the shows, names and likeness featured. I only wanna tell a good story. So if you're sensitive about the dark themes of this crossover, please feel free to visit my other stories instead. Enjoy the saga!

In Loving Memory of Stan Lee, Stephen Hillenburg, and Chance Champ Lee (My Pet Dog)

"I'm Jimmy Neutron. Welcome to my lab! AKA, the home base of the ever growing Toon Force! I'm the leader of this hero organization, along with my friends Timmy Turner, and Danny Fenton; or as everyone knows him, Danny Phantom! 10 years ago, we've fought our own arch enemies when they've teamed up to form a Syndicate, and we've explored and fought on other worlds across our dimension! Now they have somehow managed to start a war, and they've turned multiple worlds against us! So, to counter their plan, we've taken the opportunity to form a team of heroes from both our universe and many others out there, and we're currently in need of new recruits! If anyone wants to join, simply contact me at the coordinates I've sent to your capitol locations of your worlds pointing to Retroville. Thank you, and welcome to the fight! Gotta blast!"

TOON WARS: The Final Days

Chapter I

By Frozarburst

It was a nice afternoon in a distant and quiet place, until, a massive explosion goes off near the cul-de-sac of Peach Creek! Several square-looking rocket drones rush in and smash several buildings in the area and prepare to attack three boys, Ed, Edd (or as they call him, Double D or Sockhead), and Eddy at the local school yard against the wall.

Double D against the wall: Eddy, I told you this was a bad idea! I don't want to experience another dodgeball accident!

Eddy: Well how was I supposed to know these robots would come here?! And besides, I told you, D! Nothin's gonna happen! All they're doin' is staring at us anyway!

Robot with a makeshift cannon arm: Monster, show em who's boss.

Monster stepping forward about to hit the Eds: With pleasure. But, don't you think it'd be easier if we just blast them? I don't wanna make them suffer.

Robot: No way! It's too good for them! They've lasted for too long. We didn't even last one season!

Monster: Oh yeah. (Teeth sharpen) GRRR...!

The Eds start cowering until they are saved by a small projectile that explodes in front of them! Robot and Monster are pushed back by the blast and a beam of ghost energy blows off Robot's wrist cannon and a bola ties up Monster, much to his confusion. The Eds look above them and two heroes hover down slowly to them.

Danny Phantom: You guys alright?

The Ed's shivering: Y-y-y-y-yeah...?

Jenny: Great! That sure was easy. We're all clear here, Jazz!

Jazz on her communicator: Got it! Bombs away!

Jazz rides atop the back of the Monstrous Nightmare, Spark Byte Firefly, and flies over the cul-de-sac where several versions of the previous robot are shooting at the neighbors. Firefly sucks in the air and breaths fire across the road, destroying all the androids and saving the civilians! The people cheer and Danny and Jenny put Robot and Monster into custody while being interviewed by Johnny and Plank while Marie is hitting on Danny (who's understandably nervous). Elsewhere, Dr. Noreen's lab is being invaded by a horde of snakes and she contacts the Toon Force.

Toon Wars: The Final DaysWhere stories live. Discover now