Chapter 4

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TOON WARS: The Final Days

Chapter IV

By Frozarburst

Sugilite: Hello little boys! My name's Sugilite. And yo names are: Big Nose, Cone Red, Derrell, Whippy Dip, Rocket Girl, Rocket Dog, and... (Gets angry) Moldy Fungus..! RAAAAAH! (Combines and tosses flail)

The Nicktoons jump out of the way of the attack! Jenny activates her mid-air combat mode with her wingspan and jets already turned on!

Jenny: Jimmy, get everyone out of the way! (Smiles confidently) I'll take care of this! (Rushes into Sugilite)

Jimmy: Jenny, wait! You don't know how strong she is!

Jenny dodging more of Sugilite's attacks: I'll figure it out! Besides, nothing stronger ever stopped us before! (Shoots tri-missiles)

The three bombshells collide with Sugilite's chest, creating a thick cloud of smoke that blocks her vision, giving Jenny the chance to do a rocket kick to her jaw that knocks her backwards onto the street! Before she can get back up, Jenny converts her right fist into an iron gauntlet and smashes it into Sugilite's abdomen to try and knock her out, but the next punch gets grabbed by one of the fusion's arms, and the gauntlet is ripped off like a sheet of paper! She backhands Jenny with her lower left hand and uses her flail to bring her down!

Krabs: You heard the lady! I know a perfect place to hide! (Removes shell and shoves everyone in)

Krabs rolls the guys into the kitchen and pushes the cabinet to open an elevator door. They all get in and the lift takes them down, slowly and very intimately added with boring elevator music, to a bottom floor where the Patty Wagon sits.

Jimmy getting out of the shell: Is that a giant Patty?!

Spongebob: Yeah! Patrick and I rode it one time! Remember Pat?

Patrick: Definitely! And speaking of Patties... (Bites the Patty Wagon) It's even tastier super-sized.

Spongebob: But what about Jenny?

Jimmy: That's what I'm worried about. You guys wait here. I'm going to contact the base and-

Goddard suddenly receives a transmission hew views from his monitor, but the footage is fuzzy and distorted.

Jimmy: Oh! What do ya know. Hello?

Plankton with broken audio: Jimmy, you've got to get everyone out of there! And get yourself out!

Jimmy: What do you mean? We're already being attacked by someone. Is there something else coming our way?

Krabs: Wait, is that Plankton?! Where have you been?! Ya haven't been tryin' to steal me booty for the last 5 years!

Plankton: Krabs, there's no time to explain! There's something much bigger headed everyone's way and it's gonna destroy all of Bikini Bottom and you too!

Squidward rolling his eyes: Not really a milestone...

Jimmy: Then open a warp gate and we'll get back to base!

Plankton: NO! It's already here! I'm stayin' back to make sure everyone gets the heck outta here!

Spongebob: Plankton..?

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