Chapter 21

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Richard: Nicole! Boy, am I glad to see she who is my wife of mine again!

Gumball: It's about time too! Where've you been?! Jimmy, Danny, and Timmy just reenacted a scene from my favorite comic book movie!

Nicole: My dear child, my journey to the Toon God has given me new life beyond our wildest dreams! Behold the power of a goddess! (Raises hands and shines her light from behind her)

Danny shields his eyes next to SpongeBob and Bimm.

Bimm shaking: This is freaking me out...!

Gumball: Meh. Could've been weirder.

Richard getting his sight back: Okaaay. That was a...a bit dramatic, even for me. And I'm the dramatic one!

Wanda: Correction. You WERE the dramatic one! I don't think that's Nicole anymore.

Alt. Anais: Me neither. Mother would never be that flashy, even in an anime. And she definitely doesn't have the power to teleport at will. ...Or does she?

Gumball: Stop. Stop. Let me see.

Gumball walks over to Nicole and circles around her while she's floating above him. He sniffs her and feels her legs and tail to try and recognize her. Then he looks up to her confused expression and stares longingly at her eyes.

Gumball stroking his chin: Hmmmm... Nope! I got nothin'. Seems normal to me.

Cindy: You really do come from an amazing world, huh?

Gumball with his hands on his hips: Yep.

Nicole: Ohoho, honey, I'm no part of that old mess of a planet anymore. I am divine, serving with the ever so mighty Toon God and commanding the forces of the fallen.

Gumball raising his eyebrows: Say whaaaat?!

Jack: Impossible! You're the strongest of our team! You couldn't possibly be corrupted that easily!

Nicole: It WASN'T easy. But I didn't deny it either. You already knew that before I had sent my minions to Noreen's lab and the Ghost Zone to try and destroy you. Besides, I wasn't needed in the world anyway.

Richard appalled: Wha...?!

Starfire: You were the one who sent them?! Not the virus?

Nicole: It was my will through the entity, you see. Think of it like this. The Toon God and I are the administrators of the program. But Vambre, the two wannabe heroes, and the Titans were pawns of my partner's plan from the start. She had already known too much about our objective thanks to that light bulb on a stick. And Robin may have been overwritten, but he and his crew had their reasons.

Phoebe: So, you know about the Fourth Wall too. Just like Doug and everyone else who learned from the rogue worlds.

Dani: But why would you side with someone like the Toon God?

Rose: I don't think it was a choice, Dani. I think she's been corrupted by his energy field, just like how the Titans, XJ-8, and everyone else were.

Danny: But now, she's much more potent. Almost as though she was meant to get caught because he knew she was the strongest one on our team! And she knew who to target and what our weaknesses were!

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