Chapter 28

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Danny Phantom

Episode 15: Public Enemies

News Reporter: This was the scene at Amity Park last night as ghosts - that's right, ghosts - caused hundreds of thousands in damage. I'm Shelli Rakimata, and this is Ghost Watch. Day 2.

The Mayor turns off the public television in the room.

Mayor: Now, I know you kids are scared because ghosts are scary scary things...

None of the kids are scared or nervous about the situation.

Mayor: ...but I came to your school, not because this is a great photo opportunity, (Turns to cameras and smiles) but because you children are our future... Voters. (Laughs while getting photos) And now, I'd like to turn this over to Principal Ishiyama, who's here to inform you of some exciting rules and restrictions.

Danny: This is going to end badly.

Principal Ishiyama: Due to the continuing and escalating ghost threat, here's the way we're going to limit your freedom: One, students are to have no contact with these spirits. Two, all students will be escorted directly to their homes after school. And three, (Gives serious expression) by order of the Mayor's new security advisor, a nine o'clock curfew.

Sam: A curfew!?

Dash: An escort!?

Danny: Ok, who's the idiot security advisor that came up with those lame ideas?

As quickly as Danny asks, his parents bursts through the door to the hall behind him with megaphones.

Jack using his megaphone: Fear not, young ones. We're here to make sure this school is prepared for any ghost emergency!

Maddie on her megaphone: You must be cautious. At any time one of these ectoplasmic malefactors - (Turns to Danny) Hi, sweetie! (Turns back to crowd) - could appear out of nowhere.

Danny: Time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us?

Sam: Time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us.

A tear in the dimensions appears nearby. Wulf pops his head out and sniffs for Danny. He pops back in and points at the portal to Walker.

Walker: Alright, Wulf. You know what to do. Sniff out the people he's been in contact with.

Wulf jumps through the portal. Bullet appears next to Walker.

Bullet: While we take over everybody Wulf sniffs out.

Walker: I don't care if he knows Wulf is there. But the rest of you, I want hidden.

Walker, Bullet, and some guards go through the portal, causing Danny's ghost senses to activate for a moment.

Danny Oh no. You have got to be kidding me. Here? Now?!

Wulf appears onstage and frightens everyone. After jumping offstage, a guard appears from behind Principal Ishiyama and takes her over. Walker and two more guards take over Dash, Kwan, and Paulina, respectively. In the back corner of the conference hall, Danny tries to go ghost with Sam next to him.

Sam: Can you go ghost, danny?

Danny: I can. But my ghost senses are going off. More than usual! (Grunts and lands on one knee) Urgh...! Ugh... (Feels head) And that last one felt like someone just shot a bullet through me. (Gets grabbed by Wulf by the arm) Huh...?

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