Chapter 22

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Following the ensuing explosive punch, Danny falls back from the dust while in intangibility holding Timmy and Jimmy by his side. Rose herself hops backwards with him.

Danny: Bimm, I think now's the time you give us that Antisword again.

Bimm: Yes sir!

Bimm takes out the Antisword again. But instead of the blade, she gets the Antivirus Capsule and Knowledge Magisword separated with the capsule locked tight.

Bimm shaken: It...It defused!

Timmy and CC. Timmy: WHAT..?!

Jimmy: Oh no..! We must've drained some of its energy!

Rose: We can at least use the light bulb you have to scan for weaknesses, right?

Bimm: Yes. But I thought you had their weaknesses.

Rose: I did. But not for this. The most logical thing we can do against them is beat them out of their fusions.

Gumball looking worried: ...Oh mom... You really thought all this through...

Sugilite tosses her flail at the heroes at the center of the group, dispersing them across the arena. Bimm drops the Knowledge Magisword and Antivirus, but Simone quickly catches the device. The Magisword rolls across the surface as the titanic fusions get closer. Pallasite levitates parts of the floor with her lower arms lifting Jack, Ashi, Sadie, Mr. Krabs, Spongebob, Carl, Chester, Timmy, and Wanda. Malachite raises the water from the pit around the arena and floods the area underneath her while Sugilite throws a wind-up punch at those in the air!

Patrick: Spongebob! (Lifts Squidward)

Squidward: No, no! Not again!

Patrick lobs Squidward at Malachite like a torpedo blocking her face with his tentacles spread out. She wipes him off, and with her lower arms holding herself like legs, she gives Stevonnie a boost to Rose as the water beneath them stops flowing. She swings her sword down on her mother's shield trying to strike her forehead! When she lands, she continuously slashes her sword back and forth at her while guarding consistently with her shield. After a few good hits, Stevonnie flings her shield like a frisbee into Rose's face and prepares to lunge her sword into her gem. But Sadie holds it down by the end of the hilt with her electrostaff and the shield she obtained from Steven.

Sadie: Steven, Connie...whatever your name is, please! We're not the bad guys! You wouldn't work with someone as corrupt as the Toon Goddess!

Stevonnie: The only corrupt people out there are those who live off our pandering, our suffering, and the dictator in front of us!

Stevonnie lowers her unguarded hand at Sadie's face creating a pink bubble around her, which she then kicks away. As the helpless Sadie bounces across the field, she bumps into Wanda, Phoebe, Danny, Noble, Timmy, and Flora. Lastly, Jimmy and Goddard get knocked down before Gaz firmly catches the ball holding Sadie and pops it.

Sadie on the floor: Ugh...

Gaz: Sorry girlfriend. Looks like there's no going back for em.

Goddard nudging against Jimmy: BARK BARK!

Jimmy shaking his head while holding his forehead: Ugh... Thanks boy.

As Jimmy gets his head straight, he notices the Knowledge Magisword just underneath Malachite past Sugilite in front of her in preparation to use her flail again.

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