Chapter 15

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The blue skies are getting cloudy. The deciduous and tropical trees no longer carry the vivid rays of light the sun provided for them. All is quiet across the forest the Toon Force traverse through next to the clear water of the small river bank to the left of them.

Danny: How's Bobert doing, Bobert?

Bobert: He is doing alright. But his voice chip still needs repair. It will take some time to completely fix it. But it will also require a few compatible parts which I do not possess.

Momo: Aaw... I hope we find something for him soon. He's my buddy since the first time I met him. Apart from my pet dragon.

Danny: How bout you, Richard? You're new here.

Richard carrying Gumball across his shoulders and holding Anais and Penny: I'm still hungry. And Gumball and the kids are asleep.

Danny: You've got a pretty cool son. You know that? He's learned a lot from you and his Mother. His creative work came from you.

Richard: Really? I didn't think he really took inspiration from me like that.

Danny: He did. It's not just about Nicole. Or Yuki. He looks up to all the adults in the room when he doesn't know any better.

Spongebob: Boy, this sure brings back memories. These travels are just like our adventures in Volcano Island! Albeit with no animals besides birds and fish. No bugs. No monsters...

Ashi: Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. That's been on my mind ever since we've been here.

Sam: Mine too. Where's the deers, lions, and bears? The bird population should've exploded by now!

Bimm sounding aggressive: I say good! Animals hate me!

Sam: ...?

Bimm: Er, I mean, um...they used to hate me. I spoke out of term. I'm sorry...

AJ: Nah. If anything, it makes it easier. But it does raise a few questions. If the Mawgu was a destructive entity, why would he cause such an influx of vegetation?

Chester: Could just be cause he ain't here no more to spread anything negative.

AJ: I guess...

Carl: Hey, Timmy, Danny, those eggs are finally getting to me. I've gotta use the restroom.

Timmy: Carl, we're in the woods.

Sheen: Yeah man. Just run behind that tree or something. We won't look.

Carl running: Thanks!

Chester: Good call, Carl! I'm comin' with ya!

As Chester and Carl vacate the vicinity, a loud roar of thunder booms in the distance as the skies get darker from the grey clouds.

Sam: Aw man! It's gonna rain!

Squidward: Not a problem for me. I've been living off moisture for hours! My pores are getting dry!

Alt. Anais: Are you gonna keep complaining or are you gonna keep your trap shut for once? Besides, it's not that bad. I've been of royalty for 30 years now, and you don't see me complaining about my clothes.

Anais waking up lifting one ear: Did...someone say, royalty?

Alt. Anais: Yes. Your genius and dedication to bettering society had brought you good fortune in the future. But I already told you the rest, so go back to sleep. Storm is brewing.

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