In The Past - Part 8

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"we're having a feast tonight to express our gratitude."

"why did you have to memorize my love letter?!"


"who knows? i might not like her today, but i may like her tomorrow."

"but just remember that she likes me, not you."

"do i have....hope?"
It was the next day. You were doodling in class since you were early. Suddenly, Jihyun comes running to you.

"Y/N!!!!!!" She yells and grabs your arm.

"..What?" You reply casually.

She then calms her tone a lot. "I think that Jungkook likes you..did you hear clearly what he said yesterday?!"

You suddenly remember and smile to yourself. Then, you pop back to reality and scan her. "He was just carried away by the argument.." "I mean, he didn't even touch my food.."

"True...but maybe you're missing the point. Guys can't resist food from the women they love, no matter how bad it is.."

"But I suck at cooking.." You groan.

She continues. "I mean, you can find a way to make him appreciate your cooking, no?"

You suddenly get lost in thought.

"Hey, Y/N. I love the dish you've made for me." Jungkook gets lost in your eyes, as you do in his.

"Thank you so much, I made it just for you~" You say in a singsongy tone.

You both lean in for a kiss.

"Okay, let's not get too lost in thought there." Jihyun snaps her fingers in front of your face.

"Changing the topic, it's almost break so you can spend the summer with him! You're so lucky.. Today is our last day." She squeals for you. "Also I saw Jin acting weird, he was crying outside.. I wonder what it was about."

"He was? Oh.. I hope he's okay. Where's J-Hope? He hasn't showed up.." You look around the room.

"I don't know, he didn't want to come spy with us either.. he said it would invade your privacy and because he was busy." Jihyun looks around the room, too.

"He's always busy.." You mumble.

* Time Skip to the end of the day *

You walk inside your house in a frustrated mood. You shut the door behind you and keep walking until you see everyone having dinner.

"Hey guys.... I have bad news...." You cringe.

"Huh? Oh no.." Your dad says out loud.

"I have summer school.." You mumble.

"WHAT?" Everyone said in unison.

"But didn't Jungkook help you pass the test?" Mrs. Jeon says.

"Well, yes...but...that was the end-term test..I didn't do well on the mid-term...." You reply.

"Wow, you are so dumb." V speaks up.


I plop on the bed, and groan in frustration. I should've really asked for help. Now I'm going to junior year after summer school, and I am super nervous. I have gotten no contact or any closer relationship with Jungkook. He never talks to me in school, and barely after school. Going to summer school means you won't see Jungkook in school, so it's basically hell.

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