Christmas Present pt.2 - Part 25

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"dinner for two?! that's expensive!"

"the three of us will spend the funnest christmas together!"

"party for your company?"

"a bookstore."

[Surprise! I missed writing this story so much. I WILL finish this story, no matter how long it takes me. Thank you all for supporting and reading still;; i love you all]

You and Mrs. Jeon were putting up a Christmas tree in the house, until you both hear the door open.

"Dad is here early?" Mrs. Jeon says.

Footsteps near, and a familiar face shows up. You tremble.

"J-jungkook?! What are you d-doing here?" You stutter.

"What? Is it bad I come to visit my old house?" He sits down on the sofa.

"No! Of course not! It's just been so long." You smile.

"What changed your mind?" Mrs. Jeon said.

"I just came to get my suit." Jungkook responds.

"A suit?" You and Mrs. Jeon say at the same time.

"I can't wear jeans to a party." Jungkook says blandly.

"Jungkook, you're gonna attend your dad's Christmas party?!" Mrs. Jeon says excitedly.

"I asked to take a break from work, so I'll be late. Also I'll show my face for just a moment." He replies.

"Yay! Jungkook's coming!" V yells.

"Thank you! Your dad will be so happy to hear this news!" Mrs. Jeon smiles.

Right... Jungkook's going to that party..Then if I go to that party, I'll be able to spend Christmas Eve with Jungkook. But isn't this situation forgivable if I leave the friendship behind?

"So the party--" You say, and Jungkook cuts you off.

"I heard you can't make it." He says, getting out of the sofa to face you.

"What?" You respond quietly.

"You're spending Christmas with your friends." He towers over you like always.

"About th-that um..." You play with your fingers.

"What a shame. It would be so much fun if you were there." He looks around the room.

"He's right! Jungkook, try to persuade Y/N to go..." Mrs. Jeon says, clinging you arm.

"It's no use. It's her decision." He says.

"I think her friends will betray her, it's Christmas Eve after all." Mrs. Jeon pushes a bit more.

"No, no, their friendship is something special. Right, Y/N?" He looks at you.

"Well...That's..." You get nervous again.

"Is that so?" Mrs. Jeon asks.

Jungkook walks towards the exit.

"Wait, the suit! The one you wore at the graduation ceremony!" Mrs. Jeon and V run after him.

Jungkook's mean! Well, I can't do anything about it.. I made a pact not to betray.

You and Jihyun squeal.

You look at the menu and at the stuff you guys can make.

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