You'd Be - Part 16

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"You're just bothering Jungkook.."

"Swing harder!"

"y/n, come to the bigger house today."

"I think I'm even more in love with him."

"Jungkook, that's the first time you called me by a nickname.."

"this isn't my grandpa!!"

You walk with Jungkook again towards his mansion, as the sky turns dark. You continue to cling onto his arm. He lets you go in front of the mansion.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook." You apologize again.

"My mom will kill me if I leave you alone with your foot like that. Until your dad comes, stay inside." He says.

"Where is my dad?" You whine.

V comes running out of the house. "Brother! My room is occupied aga—" He looks towards you. "It's your fault!"

Suddenly, Mrs. Jeon comes running out of the house. "y/n, Jungkook! I thought you two were together."

"My house was already bought by someone else when I arrived.." You fiddle with your fingers.

"There was a mistake in the contract.. your dad is at the agency now. I found out your house was taken a day earlier before your dad..." She replies.

"Does that mean I have no place to live again?" You say worriedly.

"You can come back to our house~" She chimes.

"You and Kisang can live here! We're going to become a family anyways~" She giggles.

"Are you saying stupid things again, mom?" Jungkook says from beside you.

She crosses her arms. "What are you talking kissed, didn't you?" She says with a smirk.

You widen her eyes at her, and Jungkook gives you a side glare.

"It wasn't me! It wasn't me! I didn't tell her!" You say really quickly.

"That's not true, is it, brother?!" V says loudly.

Jungkook looks to the side nervously.

"I didn't know~~ You two don't act like that around each other.." Mrs. Jeon cheerfully says.


3rd Person
Mrs. Jeon put the Real Estate card in her bag and smiled.

"I'm glad she's back."

Your POV
You walked in your old room where it had that familiar clean smell. You looked around and smiled to yourself, remembering the memory of when you first moved in the house. You put your bag down and lay on the familiar, amazing bed.

The door opens and Mrs. Jeon closes it behind her.

"Are you happy you're back~?" She chimes.

You sit up on the bed. "You don't understand..Me and Jungkook's relationship isn't what you think it is.."

She sighs. "Look, I've decided you're going to marry into our family. You both have a good enough relationship to kiss!"

You reply. " was an accident..we haven't..held hands or..been on a date.."

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