Angry Sex

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Third person

"You lying piece of shit!" Tony screamed as he threw a whiskey glass at Steve. The glass shattered and fell to the carpeted floor.

Tony continued to throw things at Steve, not caring that Steve was trying to plead his case.

"I didn't sleep with her!" He yelled as he held his arm over his eyes for protection when another glass cans flying at his face.

"Then how come she was all over you?! I saw how you were with her! How long has this affair gone on for Rogers?!" Tony picked up a glass picture frame with a picture of the two of them on their wedding day- it was Steve's favourite picture because it showed just how happy Tony was.

"Tony don't." Steve pleaded. That picture was more important to Steve then anyone could realize- that was the first time in months Tony had looked so happy.

"How long Steve?!" The smaller man lifted his arm over his head.

"Tony no! Please don't throw that!"

Steve wasn't mad, he should be, but he wasn't- he had every right to be mad because he was the one being accused of cheating.

He couldn't bring himself to scream hurtful words at his husband and he wouldn't fight back- he was to heart broken that Tony could even consider Steve would ever cheat on him.

Tony's words and actions hurt Steve deeply.

"You honestly believe I would cheat on you?" Steve asked his voice cracked, his tone much quieter now. It was full of pain.

"Yes." Tony spat as he threw the glass frame. It went flying past Steve's shoulder and shattered instantly when it hit the wall.

Steve fell to his knees, cut and bleeding now from the shards of glass- completely broken now.

He was training a female soldier, she was kind and funny- but never once did she ever try to flirt or throw herself at the Captain like others did. She was lesbian.

They came out of the gym earlier, Steve wasn't wearing a shirt after the intense workout- sweating heavily, and the female was laughing and telling him about the date she had the other night- Tony had witnessed their playful banter and took it the wrong way, he wouldn't even listen to Steve try and prove nothing happened between them.

Steve had tears running down his face as he looked up a Tony with despair.

"Remember my vows to you?" Steve recalled their wedding day, "I swore I would be yours forever Tony. I am yours Tony. I swore I would stick with you through thick and thin, sickness and in health... I swore I would give you my heart and soul because that's what you deserve. You deserve to be loved everyday, genuinely for the person you are, you should never have to feel alone or unloved- I swore all of that to you- and you honestly believe I would throw all of that out the window like it was all meaningless? You honestly believe I would give you up for someone I don't even find attractive?"

Steve cried harder when tony stayed silent.

His silence was more powerful then a string of profanities.

Tony slid his ring off his finger and threw it at Steve with all his might.

"I hate you." Tony muttered and turned, taking the cap off of a whiskey bottle and started drinking it straight.

"Get out." Tony said after Steve didn't move.

He couldn't move, he was stuck in place, his broken heart wouldn't let him move.

"Get out!" Tony screamed.

Even if Steve wanted to run away and cry- he couldn't move.

"I gave you everything!" Steve suddenly screamed. "I gave you my heart! I gave you my love and I gave you my virginity! You were my first everything! I can't believe you think so low of me after everything I have everything I've done for you!" He stood up and walked over to where the glass frame had been smashed.

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