Captain Hydra

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This probably could have been split into two or three parts since the word count reaches past 2000 and I apologize because the smut doesn't come until later on in the chapter close to the end but I hope you read it all cuz I spent A REALLY LONG TIME ON THIS HOLY CRAP-


He stood there in all his beautifully dangerous and powerful glory.

Captain Hydra stood in the shadows watching Tony talk and laugh with his rich friends as they partied.

He stifled a yawn of boredom as he continued to sip on his drink and study the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark.

Captain Hydra hates parties. He hated people. He hated Tony Stark.

But he had to be here in order to take Tony.

With a grace unknown to the people around, Captain Hydra set down his drink and pulled a random woman into a dance so he could get closer to Tony.

The lady, blabbering on, shrieked as Steven quickly and unexpectedly switched partners; Tony's partner with the woman and Tony now with Steven.

"Steve?!" Tony asked, shocked. Steve told him that he wasn't coming to this party, that he would rather stay in and read then have to get dressed up and socialize- he didn't think Steve would...

Red eyes.

Captain Hydra continued to hold onto Tony's hands and waltz about the room gracefully, even as Tony tried to discreetly get away.

This was not Steve.

This was someone who looked uncannily familiar.

"What are you doing here?" Tony tried to hide the shake in his voice, he was terrified of what this doppelgänger would do to him so he composed himself and acted as if he were with Steve.

"I came to see you. Why else would I bother to show up?" Tony was taken aback by his rudeness... would Steve really have an evil twin? Tony wanted to laugh at the cliche-ness of the whole situation but he was far too terrified.

"Of course...I- I missed you." Tony's heart was racing as the red eyed Steve dragged him from the party. Behind them, Tony could hear the sounds of their friends partying- they wouldn't stop them from leaving because Cap looked exactly the same to an untrained eye.

Tony gasped as Captain Hydra stuck a syringe into his arm.


When he woke up he couldn't move. His arms were tied in professional, tight knots that he knew he had no chance of breaking out of.

The room was dark and cold, the only light came from a small window in the ceiling above his head, it was smaller than Tony's hand.

He jumped and cursed loudly when he heard low chuckling behind him.

Captain Hydra walked around him slowly, the sound of his boots echoing in the room eerily.

The man in front of Tony seemed much more terrifying and different than when he'd been at the party- and he no longer dawned the black tux that strained against his muscles.

Captain Hydra seemed taller, his shoulders broader, legs much more powerful than Tony could ever remember.

His face was the most different though.

His eyes were as red as the Hydra logo on his black armoured suit, his cheekbones were higher and his cheeks looked sunken- as if he were tortured.

"S-Steve?" Tony dared to ask.

He flinched when Captain Hydra laughed menacingly and put his hand on the back of Tony's chair, pushing him back so their eyes would meet.

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