In Love

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Steve sat on the couch in comfortable pants, reading glasses in the bridge of his long nose as he read a novel. Tony was cuddled into him, his back pressed against Steve's chest as he flicked through channels, unsure of what to watch.

They were bathed in comfortable silence, just enjoying being together.

Steve put his novel down after a little while and took off his reading glasses, putting them on the floor and wrapping his arms tightly around Tony as they focused on some movie.

"I love you, Tony... you know that right?" Steve said as he kissed the top of Tony's head.

"Yes of course I know. You tell me every day, Cap," Tony moved so now they laid facing each other. "I love you too, Steve."

Steve smiled and placed a gentle kiss on Tony's lips, pulling away only to go back and deepen the kiss. It was slow and gentle, a display of their passion and love for each other.

When they pulled apart to breathe, Tony shifted again only this time he moved on top of Steve.

"Make love to me, Steve," Tony whispered as he looked down at his love, gasping as Steve got up and held Tony in his strong arms.

"Of course," Steve replied as he moved them through their apartment and to the bedroom.

Steve sat Tony down on their bed gently and came to hover over top of Tony as he captured the billionaire's lips for another kiss.

They were spontaneous sometimes, not always certain of what they wanted to do or how to do something when it came to their intimacy. Tonight, however, as they kissed and slowly undressed with feather-soft touches and smiles, they both knew that this night was going to be concrete.

Gentle and passionate, they would run their hands over bare skin and smile at the reactions drawn from the other person. Tonight they would be slow and although they wanted more, the feeling of love and happiness compiled with the feelings of gentle pleasure and soft movements- it was all perfect.

Tony wrapped his one free arm around Steve's neck, his left hand taken up by Steve's hand. Steve liked this most, he liked hearing Tony's gasps, he liked being able to feel Tony and see him- sure he liked it when they were fast and desperate but he liked this more.

Making love with the man Steve wanted to spend forever with.

They shuddered in a drawn-out release, satisfaction and fatigue lay on their skin as they held each other, stealing soft, almost sloppy kisses as one drifted to sleep and the other thought about how happy he was.

These nights were the best, Tony concluded as he drifted into sleep, held in protection and love in Steve's arms.


So this is definitely short and different but I like it. I'm sorry for a lack of anything from me for the past month... it's been hectic and even though I don't have to tell y'all what's been happening I want to lol

So I guess I've been on here long enough to feel okay about saying that I am a girl and I have she/her pronouns. I think it's been a little more obvious recently if you've seen my announcements you'll also know that I now have a boyfriend.

And goddamnit do I really like him haha it's almost a little scary.

That paired with the fact that I'm in advanced placement math for only one semester is adding a lot of stress because we've been really busy in that class. In other classes, we're all a little behind so that's also stressful.

So that's why I haven't been able to write as much because of school and the fact that I've been spending time with my boyfriend on the weekend.

Anyway yeah, I'll try and get some other stuff out soon but I can't make any promises! Also, I love all you guys and if you need someone to talk to I'm here!

Have a good day/night!

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