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Tony sat on the helicopter pad on the very top of Avengers Tower. He had a small shot glass where he poured liquor into over and over again he resorted to just drinking from the bottle.

"It's a nice view from up here," Steve stood behind Tony and looked over the city lights and buildings.

"Just wait for the fireworks," Tony said as he patted the concrete next to him and Steve went and sat down.

"Happy birthday old man... how old are you?" Tony threw his head back and took a gulp of his liquor before he counted on his fingers.

"101 Tony," Steve murmured sadly as he grabbed the bottle from Tony and finished it off.

"Thought you couldn't get drunk."

"I can't," Steve shrugged and set the empty bottle aside. He didn't mention the feeling he got when the alcohol got into his system.

They stayed silent, listening to the sound of cars honking and clubs come alive with many different types of music.

Steve tensed as Tony leaned over and rested his head on his shoulder but relaxed when Tony didn't make any other movements.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked quietly, trying to keep his breath even and gentle so he didn't disturb Tony.

"I'm using you as my pillow... your shoulder is very muscly but that's okay... and you smell good... like leather and soap..." Steve bit his lip, keeping quiet at Tony's drunk rambling.

They sat like that completely sill until the fireworks shot into the sky and Tony shifted his head ever so slightly so he could focus on them better.

"They're beautiful." His voice was a drunk slur by now, the alcohol kicking in.

"Yeah." Steve wanted to get up, to leave. He didn't know why he bothered to follow Tony up here in the first place, but he couldn't leave Tony here all alone, at the very top of the Avengers Tower, completely drunk.

So Steve stood up slowly to make sure Tony didn't hit his head on the pavement, and hauled the man into his arms and headed for the door leading off the roof.


Tony was light and it was easy to get to his room although Steve was slightly uncomfortable as Tony began to ramble again.

Something about a time he was at a club.

Steve didn't care nor did he want to know about what Tony did with others when he was drunk.

He put Tony on his bed and pulled off his shoes and socks and headed for the door.

"Wait," Tony propped himself up. "Don't go Steve. It's your birthday isn't it? And I'm sure neither of us wants to be alone? Sleep... with me... god that's something I've wanted for a long time... " Steve kept his back to Tony as he contemplated what to do.

Tony was drunk, asking him to stay and sleep with him, and it was Steve's birthday and Tony was right, he didn't want to be alone.

But staying meant there was something there- when there wasn't- and Steve knew that in staying, he would be agreeing to sleeping with Tony.

And Steve couldn't find it in himself to just have sex for the sake of having sex.

"Steve... please." Steve went to the cabinet and chugged another bottle of some random liquor that burned on its way down.

Then he took off his jacket, shoes and socks, and walked back over to Tony.

His shirt had been left as well as his pants as Steve was shoved down onto his back as Tony straddled him.

Tony leaned down and kissed Steve, it was sloppy as they were both drunk- Steve savoured the feeling of being buzzed and running his hands over Tony's now exposed skin.

Tony broke their kiss to travel down Steve's chest, kissing and licking his nipples before continuing down until his face was right next to Steve's enormous erection and took him into his mouth.

Steve moaned and gripped Tony's hair, causing Tony to moan as well. The vibrations of Tony's moan only pushed Steve closer to the edge.

Unable to take it any longer, Tony got up and grabbed a bottle of lube and made sure that Steve's cock was nice and slathered in it before lowering himself down.

The two of them moaned together as Tony slowly at first, began to move up and down. Steve gripped Tony's hips tightly and thrust his hips up, making Tony jolt in pleasure.

"Steve!" Tony gasped over and over again as he rode the super soldier.

Steve flipped them over and began to take charge, thrusting his hips quickly as he panted for air, being only able to mutter Tony's name and a curse word Steve never said.

Steve was so close but Tony wasn't quite there so he grabbed Tony's cock and began to rub his hand up and down for more stimulation.

Then they shuddered together and shared a moment of extreme pleasure highs before Steve caught his breath and pulled away.

He walked to Tony's bathroom and threw him a towel before grabbing his clothes to leave.

"Wait, Steve," Tony propped himself on his elbows and Steve felt déjà vu as Tony gave him a familiar pleading look.

"Stay?" Steve almost left, he wanted to leave before his slight buzz wore off and he began overthinking everything until he realized he still didn't want to be alone.

So he dropped his stuff and crawled back into bed with Tony.


Happy birthday to Steve and happy 4th of July to my readers from the US! I've actually had this one for a long time and decided to finish it since it worked well for this day.

Look at me, I posted a holiday themed one shot ON THAT HOLIDAY! I'm proud of myself honestly lol even though I'm not sure how I feel about this one...

Anyway have a good day/night y'all!

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