Mission: Incomplete part 2

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Tony was dragged from his spot in the chair near the window by Bruce and Thor, manhandled into the bathroom and then into the kitchen where Tony now sat mindlessly munching on plain toast.

"Steve wouldn't want this, Tony," Thor muttered from across the island, he came back to the facility after giving over the crown of Asgard to Valkyrie. He refused to leave, spending his time between getting fit and trying to take care of Tony.

"How would you know what Steve would and wouldn't want?" Tony said darkly, voice full of anger and sadness. Looking up at Thor from his toast, frowning at the god in displeasure.

Thor sighed and put his forehead to the marble counter, his hands balling into fists as he tried to think of what to do when Carol suddenly shrieked out his name.

Thor went running to the front of the building only to stop dead in his tracks as he came face to face with Captain America.



Hydra stood there, looking almost exactly like his good-hearted twin, in front of his friends. Hydra knew who these people were, he'd seen them in person when he spied on them multiple times, he'd never once felt even a twinge of self doubt but now? He felt the doubt creep into his mind like a mouse on cheese.

He pushed it away quickly knowing he was Captain Hydra for a reason, he could destroy these people.

He had to.

"Thor," He said as he stepped forward, setting his bags down and holding his hand out. Thor looked down at his outstretched hand before pushing it away and pulling Hydra into his arms.

Hydra tensed, hesitating for a moment before wrapping his arms around the god and hugging him back.

"How?" Thor gasped after pulling away from Hydra.

He had this planned, he knew his story. Why would he walk into enemy territory without a story of how he "wasn't dead"?

"I came through a portal. This woman came to me and told me a different reality needed me-" A gasp caught his attention and he looked over his shoulder to see Bruce and Tony standing at the door.

His eyes found Tony's immediately. It was the only part of the mission he was dreading- pretending to be in love with Tony Stark.

He didn't know what Captain America had seen in him- he was a liar and a cheater. He didn't work for what he wanted. Lazy.

Hydra fought back his sneer and instead pushed past Thor to stumble to Tony.

Tony had tears streaming down his face and he was extremely pale, looking as if he were about to collapse when the man suddenly flew forward into Hydra's arms.

"You're alive!" He screamed as he buried his face in Hydra's neck, Tony's legs wrapped around his waist. Hydra gripped onto Tony with the grip of a man who had lost his love, playing his part and acting like they had been separated.

"Oh god, I missed you, Tony," he forced himself to say. In the made up realm he came from, it was still the time when the Avengers had split up- after the Sokovia Accords. He had to act like he and Tony had been separated for over five years, feelings of love only growing stronger despite the distance and separation.

Hydra, of course, didn't come up with this. He was only good in that of killing and spying, plotting and warfare- he didn't toil with love or relationships, even friendships he didn't have.

They were all a waste of time.

Tony was crying, hysterically. His hands going from gripping Hydra's white shirt to gripping his blond hair tightly.

Hydra made the effort to also tuck his head into Tony, breathing heavily as he gripped onto Tony's frail body. Playing his part expertly and making everyone around them feel like it really was Steve Rogers back from the dead.

Tony pulled away just enough to run his fingers over Hydra's bearded face and give a weak, teary smile.

"How?" He asked.

"Does it matter? I'm here now and- and I can't be happier.... I missed you so much Tony," Hydra kissed Tony, hesitant at first because he still wasn't really sure what he was doing for once when Tony deepened it by opening his mouth more.

Hydra gave a quiet groan, low in his throat as he craved for more.

Clarity came back to him like a brick wall and he pulled away slowly. Fighting himself not to pull away quickly, he didn't want to kiss Tony. He didn't want to. He didn't want to.

"I'm still curious though... you died, Steve. I held you as you died. I... I-" Tony's voice broke and he shook his head and just rested on Hydra's shoulder.

Who cares?

He thought bitterly. He sure didn't.

He didn't care that Steve had died. That he was dead. Hydra was here for one reason and one reason only, he was here to destroy the Avengers.

And he would be happy to start with Tony.

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