I cooked for you (fluff)

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"Stevie!" Tony screamed as he saw Steve walk through the elevator doors. He couldn't help but throw himself at his lover and hold him tight.

"I missed you!" He said over and over into Steve's neck, breathing him in. Steve held Tony tightly and his shoulders shook a little. He had been gone for almost four weeks on a mission, leaving his husband alone.

Tony ran his fingers over Steve's stubbled jaw and through his hair that was unkempt and slightly grimy. Steve had dark bags under his shiny blue eyes, he tried to hide the fact that he was dead tired and was currently running on 30 minuets of sleep.

He had to put Tony down for fear he was gonna fall over and Tony wasn't even that heavy. Especially to the strength of a Super Soldier.

"Are you okay Capsicle?" Tony asked worriedly as he held Steve's face, inspecting the small unhealed cuts and his eyes.

"I'm so tired baby. I'm so sorry that I was gone longer then I was supposed to... it got real. I really need some sleep." Tony nodded and grabbed Steve's hand.

Tony led Steve to their bedroom and made sure he showered and changed into a pair of fresh pjs. Soon Steve was laying on their bed and Tony was tucking him in.

"I love you Tony." Steve mumbled before drifting off into a deep sleep. Tony placed a small kiss on his forehead and brushed his wet hair out of his face.

Tony laid there with Steve for who knows how long before he got up and finally started to get ready for bed.

The next day Steve was still asleep and Tony didn't want to interrupt just yet so he snuck out of their room and as quietly as possible, and grabbed some ingredients from the cupboards.

He had to look up how to make breakfast in order to make Steve some food. Only God knows how Tony managed to survive before Steve was around and while he was gone on missions.

Talk about only eating take out and pizza the whole time.

Tony was worried that he would give Steve food poisoning his first day home but had faith that the internet cookbook he looked at wouldn't lie to him.

He walked back into their room with a tray of pancakes and bacon with some eggs and orange juice for Steve. He set it on the bedside table and poked Steve's peaceful face.

He didn't move after the third poke so Tony blew on his face knowing that almost always worked.

His nose crinkled before a small smile graced his handsome features. He opened his eyes and the first thing Steve saw was Tony's beautiful brown eyes and messy dark hair.

"Sorry to wake you up baby but you need to eat something." Steve sat up and gasped when Tony looked to the tray.

"What's this?" Steve stretched and yawned.

"I cooked for you... duh." Tony put the tray on Steve's lap and crawled on the bed to sit in front of him.

"It's not poisoned is it?" Steve joked. Tony slapped his shoulder playfully but shrugged after.

"I don't think so... but if it is I'll eat some too." Tony went to take a piece of bacon but Steve slapped his hand away and shoved the strip in his mouth.

Tony laughed and sat there as Steve ate everything and finished all the juice.

"This was amazing Tony! I didn't know you knew how to cook." Tony chuckled and blushed deeply.

"I don't." Steve raised a blond brow in confusion before the both of them burst out laughing.


Yeah I am having trouble writing smut right now so here's some fluff! Valentine's Day one will come out later even though VD was yesterday 😂

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