I love you forever (fluff)

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Steve's hands shook nervously as he held the small red velvet box in his palm.

He looked up at the jeweller, she was kind and very helpful, helping Steve pick out the perfect ring for his boyfriend of six years.

He smiled and forced away his nerves, Valentine's Day was in three days and he had been planning this date and proposal for weeks- he was ready.

He payed and walked out of the jewelry store, putting the small box in his pocket and started on his way back to his apartment.

Steve had a few hours before he would pick Tony up from the tower and take him to their favourite place to go when they wanted a get away from the busy city and people always being around them.

He got back to his apartment, Tony spent a lot of time there, his stuff strewn about but other then his occasional shirt, tie, or hoodie laying around the appointment was modern and sleek.

It was warm and cozy and Steve loved his home because he and Tony had shared many moments there.

He walked to the bedroom, throwing off his shirt and pulling the velvet box from his pocket, placing it gently on the dresser before stripping the rest of his clothes and showering.

(Valentines day)

Anxiety swirled in Steve's stomach and he sat hunched over forcing himself to calm down and not to throw up from nerves.

There wasn't really a reason for Tony to say no, but at the same time Steve wasn't sure if he would want to get married.

It was a risk he was willing to take however because he loved Tony more than anything else in the world.

With that in mind, he stood up from the grey couch and took one last look in the mirror, making sure his tie was straight and his hair was nice.

He smiled at himself and in attempt to make himself feel better, he did a pose like the male models did on the from cover on the magazines Tony sometimes brought over.

He blushed in embarrassment, thankful it was just him who knew about that embarrassing little moment and walked out of his appointment as if it didn't happen.

He got in his car, a 2018 black Chevy Camaro, and drove to the tower after texting Tony to tell him he was on his way.

When Steve pulled up the the tower, Tony stood there with a large smile on his face as he walked over to the car.

Steve nearly tripped as he scrambled to get out and open the door for his boyfriend hopefully fiancé by the end of the evening.

Tony chuckled, "Who ever said chivalry went out of style?" He said as he kissed Steve's freshly shaven face and got in the car.

They drove around for hours as they talked and laughed and went to get dinner, Steve still didn't propose, and they started driving again until Steve drove out of the city to the outskirts where they got out of the car and started walking.

They knew exactly where to go when they walked through the small park to the secluded area with pretty flowers and a park bench that faced the moon they could actually see.

"This has been so much fun Steve." Tony said as they sat next to each other.

Steve knew that when he was going to ask Tony to be his husband, this would be the place.

They came here when things got to crazy and they needed some time.

So many memories.

Steve turned to Tony and took his hands.

"You know that I love you more than anything right?" Tony nodded. "I want to continue to love you forever, I want to hold you and comfort you when you need me and-" Tony pulled his hands from Steve's and his heart leapt- What was happening?

The fear vanished when Tony cupped Steve's cheeks and kissed him passionately. "But you already do all of those things, Steve."

"Yes but..." Steve held out the box. Biting his lip in anticipation for Tony's reaction.

He opened it to reveal the ring he'd gotten three days earlier.

Tony gasped, his mouth falling open and he stared at Steve dumbstruck.

Steve kept his breathing the same and struggled to keep his composure- it's been longer than 30 seconds, he should have answered already right?

Then, Tony's left hand fell from Steve's cheek as he looked into the amazing blue eyes of his best friend and fiancé.

"Are you going to make me put it on Captain?" Steve let out a breath of relief as he slipped the ring on Tony's finger and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"I love you so much Tony and I will until the end of time."

"I love you too Steve, more then anyone could ever realize."


So another quick fluff that's also kinda cheesy but whatever... if you couldn't tell this was supposed to be out in February on Valentine's Day...... oops

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