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Honestly not sure I like this so it may go down right away... idk what I was thinking while writing this...

I apologize in advance 😂😭

Third person

Steve watched Tony from the other side of the room. The smaller man laughed and talked with his other rich buddies, holding a glass of water instead of a glass of expensive whiskey.

"What's holding you back Steve?" He turned and looked to Natasha.

"It's not right... What I'm feeling. Simple as that." He gave a quick short answer, not watching to evaluate on his disgusting feelings for the famous Tony Stark.

Every time he thought too deeply about his feelings for Stark he wanted to cry.

"Oh Steve-"

"Don't Nat. I'll figure it out on my own." He got up from the comfy chair he was sitting in and straightened his tie.

He walked past Tony and to the bar.

"Give me your strongest drink." He muttered to the bartender. She was pretty, Steve considered briefly, taking her back to the tower to prove a point to Nat that he wasn't attracted to men.

But he couldn't use this woman like that.

He took the drink and sat down.

Tipping his head back he finished the drink in one sip, cringing as its dull taste burned down his throat.

He couldn't get drunk, but he wished he could. He wished he could drink until the feeling of disgust left him.

He wanted to drink until he could sleep with someone without feeling guilty afterwards.

"Steve please-" Natasha tried again.

"For the love of god Natasha, stop. I'm trying to enjoy this stupid party. I'm trying to get past my jealousy when I see him flirting with someone else and I'm definitely trying to get past my feelings." He hadn't realized his voice had gotten louder and people watched him with odd looks.

Captain America never lost his cool.

Steve noticed Tony watching him- not with disgust but with admiration.

Steve blushed.

"I'm going back to the tower." He muttered to Nat. He knew he'd have to apologize to her later.



I have known for a long time about Steve's affection towards me, and I knew I had the same feelings for him as well.

Looking at him made my heart jump and my palms sweat. His rare 1 million dollar smile made my heart melt and his shining ocean blue eyes made me excited.

I hated hearing him talk badly about his feelings but I was too scared to talk to him and admit that I felt the same.

I wasn't sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me- considering I'm a male as well.

I sighed in sadness and put down my water glass. Nat gave me the eyes, the 'go get your man' eyes.

I said a quick goodbye to the air headed idiots I was talking to and walked outside.

I found Steve struggling to make a phone call and when I was a few feet behind him he groaned in frustration and sat down on the steps that led into the theatre.

"You okay there big boy?" He looked up at me and shook his head.

"Don't call me that- and yes, I'm fine." I chuckled and sat down next to him.

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