New years night

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Third person

"Do you have any New Years resolutions Rogers?" Tony turned to face Steve, who sat alone on the couch as everyone else was gathered around the island chugging alcohol.

He shrugged not giving his reply to the very drunk billionaire.

He didn't actually have one to expose either way, it got tiring to make one up year after year- for Steve at least and he almost always forgot because once you are over 100 years old, a super soldier, and apart of the Avengers; what could you possibly need?

"Well I have one!" Tony yelled as he held up a glass of whiskey. "I wanna have sex with someone!" The others who were also very drunk burst out laughing.

"You always have sex, Tony!" Thor practically screamed, hysterical. Steve was getting more and more uncomfortable being around his drunk friends so he got up and walked to his room.

He heard multiple bursts of laughter- he was hurt that nobody even realized he had left... but even so they were so drunk they probably wouldn't remember this night.

He always felt left out and it's not like his friends meant to, he was a super soldier after all. He couldn't get drunk like the rest of them and it always felt weird for him to play games that had alcohol in them- because he was sober.

There were just some things he couldn't do even if he wanted to.

He sighed and walked into the bathroom to shower.


I stumbled into his bedroom looking for him. Admiring the navy blues and greys of his room, the floor to ceiling windows and the large bed.

I blushed in my drunken state and continued to look for Steve.

I walked into the bathroom and gasped loudly when I saw him standing in the shower, soap and steamy water running off his muscular back and down his beautiful ass.

His muscles flexed and then relaxed under the hot water and I hadn't realized it at first, but I was drooling. Literally.

I stripped my clothes and got into the shower. He still hadn't realized I was standing there as he was so deep in thought.

He let out a satisfied groan and let his arms fall to his sides, his head titled back as he let the water fall over his face.

"Steve?" He jumped and nearly slipped when he heard me.

"Tony what the f-" he covered his mouth and stood there dumbfounded, eyes wide with terror. "Tony what are you doing here? I'm... um... naked... and so are..." I blushed deeper when his eyes travelled down the length of my body before quickly focusing on my eyes. "You." He said finishing his sentence, his cheeks burning brightly and I couldn't tell if it was from the hotness of the water or if it was the heat that our closeness brought the both of us.

Third person

"That's the point Capsicle. I want to be naked." He shifted uncomfortably and Tony giggled.

"Tony what are you doing here?" Steve asked as he towered over Tony.

"I saw that you left and thought you needed some company." Steve looked away blushing, still very uncomfortable as he hasn't been naked in front of someone before.

"Um... well I'm fine being by myself... you can go now Tony and besides... you are too drunk." But Tony saw it in Cap's eyes, he really didn't want the billionaire to leave.

Both wanted to see where this would lead to.

Suddenly Tony pushed Steve against the wall, the water was still on and burning their skin.

Tony put his hand on Steve's chest and gasped when he felt just how warm the super soldier was.

"Tony... you're drunk, too drunk. This... this isn't right. You have to be sober. I can't do this if- if..." Steve wanted Tony, wanted him so bad that his body was betraying him and giving away his obvious lust but Steve couldn't ignore the smell of different alcohols on Tony's breath nor could he ignore the pain that stabbed his chest.

Tony wouldn't remember any of this the next morning.

And chances that they woke up together were slim- Tony would probably leave after he got what he wanted from Steve and never look back.

"Steve... please." Tony whispered, coming out of his drunken stupor to realize his true emotions and what he really wanted- who he really wanted.

He wanted Steve and that was his New Years resolution.

"Tony, no. You... you won't remember." Steve knew he was just making excuses and the more seconds that passed, the more painful his erection became.

He let out a defeated sigh and pulled Tony closer, pressing his lips to the smaller man's.

He spun them around, holding Tony against the blue tiled wall as the hot water continued to pour down on them, making the glass around the shower fog and the small enclosure even warmer.

Tony wrapped his legs around Steve's waist and moaned as they rubbed together.

Steve gripped onto to Tony's ass, his tongue slipping into his mouth and easily dominating Tony.

Tony gasped and titled his head against the tiled wall as Steve pushed a finger inside his hole.

"Relax Tony." Steve told him as he placed kisses over Tony's neck and nipped gently at the skin of Tony's collarbone.

Tony moaned loudly as Steve slipped in another finger, moving them and curling them inside of him.

"Steve... I need-"

"I got you." The two of them make eye contact as Steve finally brings Tony down on him.

Steve moves his hips slowly at first but soon realizes that he couldn't stand in the shower and do this properly, so with a curse that shouldn't have left his mouth, he switched off the water and moved with his super human strength bring him and Tony to his bed.

Steve didn't care that they were both sopping wet, he fell on his bed with Tony on top of him.

"Oh fuck..." Tony moans as he locks hands with Steve and starts to take control.

They kiss again, it was more than anything Steve could ever expect and the way Tony moved and sounded only drove him closer and closer to the edge.

Tony shudders as he brings himself up and down on Steve, his breathing erratic as he got closer and closer until all he could moan and gasp was Steve's name.

Steve's back arches as he sees stars and his warm seed fills Tony and sends him into a moaning mess.

Tony collapses onto Steve, hands still clasped tightly, as they recover from their climaxes.


The sun shone brightly on the New Years morning as Steve woke up; and there in his arms, sleeping soundly like a baby, was Tony with a small smile on his face and Steve knew that this was the beginning of something amazing.


Well getting to 9.9k really motivated me to finish this chapter which I had in my head since New Years lmfao

I really want to thank all of you who read this, for commenting and voting. Y'all are hilarious and really awesome and I know I'm rambling but I just need you to know that I appreciate all of you guys... even if this is a smut book lol

So... I have no more drafts after this so I'm hesitantly saying I could take requests... HESITANTLY PEOPLE YOU KNOW I ATEL FOREVER WITH THESE UPDATES-


The only thing I won't do at all is rape. Won't do that ever.

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