Together (Endgame Angst)

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He was lost.

Completely and utterly lost.

Steve Rogers didn't hide the tears that slid down his face as he conducted Tony's funeral. Pepper standing by, crying as well even though her and Tony's past relationship didn't work out. Everyone stood supportingly and solemnly.

His voice broke and he had to step away, his love; his husband- gone.

They'd just gotten married too, a little over a year ago but their marriage was still fresh.

Sometimes Steve cursed Tony's selflessness and his unhesitating will to sacrifice himself to the greater good and then there were times when Steve's love for Tony was so overwhelming he could drown.

Steve collapsed on a bench and held his head in his hands. Peter stumbled over to him and leaned on him, sobbing onto Steve's shoulder.

Steve moves so he was holding Peter protectively.

"Someone else will go return the stones, dad. Please don't argue," Peter managed to say between small hiccups and gasps for air.

"Okay." Was all Steve could manage to say. His lungs burned and so did his eyes, his shoulders had an overbearing weight to them and his heart...

His heart felt nonexistent.

He cursed the very ground Thanos had ever walked upon, spat at the dust that was left of him.

He was angry, angry with everyone and everything.

Especially Tony.

How dare he leave me! Steve couldn't help but think.

Peter stopped crying but shook and hiccuped in Steve's protective arms.

"I don't know how I'll go on Pete... I barely managed to move on from Peggy- I... I..." Now it was Steve who cried onto Peters shoulder and even though Steve's words hurt Peter to his very core, he just rubbed comforting circles on Steve's back and let him cry.

"It's gonna be okay, Dad. We're here together, remember? And you have Bucky and Sam." Steve felt utterly miserable, he felt like a failure now too. Peter shouldn't be the one to comfort him when he was the adult. It should be the other way around.

"It's... not the same. It'll never be the same. He's gone, kid. He's gone and he isn't coming back. My husband, your dad, isn't ever going to be back-" Peter pulled away, crying again. He couldn't look at Steve as he ran away to find someone else.

Steve cursed, he didn't mean to hurt Peter. That was the very last thing he ever wanted to do.

He just didn't know how to handle this great of pain.


He lay in bed, clutching one of Tony's shirts to his chest. He didn't cry, he couldn't- not anymore. His head pounded from dehydration that even his super soldier body couldn't fix.

His eyes were dry from not blinking and his stomach no longer grumbled it just hurt. Everything hurt.

Steve didn't move when he heard the door open, he didn't flinch when the bed shifted and Peter presses his back against Steve's.

They laid in silence and only when Steve heard Peter's quiet sniffles did he turn and cradle the crying boy.

"I...miss...him," Peter said shakily in between sobs, he shook violently in Steve's arms and Steve's heart broke all over again.

Steve buried his face in Peter's messy hair and kissed him gently, whispering.

"Me too but we have each other. We have our friends and family... it may not be the same but it'll be okay." Although Steve felt like he would never be able to walk out of the deep, dark pit of despair and misery he was trapped in- he knew someday he would because he did the same when he lost Peggy.

"Together?" Peter hiccuped quietly after what felt like hours of laying in the protection of his father.

"Together, Pete. We'll get through this."


So like... this broke my heart but I still have another angst to write that I think will be even more painful than this one so that's nice and fun then I'll actually write smut and Control

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