Gone too Long

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Steve has been gone a month. A fucking month- and Tony was pissed. Not only did Steve not tell him until after he had gone but it was also classified and Tony wasn't of high enough ranking to know about it- which Tony thought was absolute bullshit.

But Steve was coming home today and Tony pushed his anger aside for the time being so he could be happy and full of relief when he was reunited with his husband.

Tony found that he was more relieved then anything that Steve had a successful mission and got out with minor bumps and bruises.

Tony met Steve on the helipad and practically flew in his arms as soon as Steve dropped his duffle bag and shield onto the concrete.

"I'm so sorry Tony-"

"Shut up and kiss me." And Steve did. He pulled Tony off his feet with ease and kissed him deeply and passionately, Tony's arm wrapped around Steve shoulders and the other gripping the back of his head.

Steve set Tony down only briefly so he could pick him up again only this time bridal style.

"I've missed you so much." Steve said as he walked into the Avengers Tower and into an elevator, still holding Tony.

"Me too. Now let's go to bed-" Tony was cut off when Steve dropped him onto their bed already and smiled like a dog living it's best life. Tony hadn't even realized they were already to their room.

Steve removed his clothing slowly, watching Tony the whole time grow more and more aroused.

"Who else is home?" Steve asked quietly as he then helped Tony take his clothes off.

"Like... most of the team?" Steve laughed and Tony sighed in relief when Steve crawled on top of him.

"Guess you'll have to stay quiet then."

"Good luck with that Cap." Then they were kissing again only this time it was with more hunger and want then before. Tony wrapped his legs around Steve's waist.

"Wait Tony-"

"I'm ready," Tony blushed deeply. Like tomato red. Of course he'd touched himself while Steve was gone...

Steve smiled and blushed as well before slowly entering Tony- unsure of what pace to go at, at first.

Tony moaned loudly when Steve picked up his pace of thrusting his hips, pulling almost all the way out only to push back quickly.

Steve stifled Tony's moans with his mouth but found that even that wasn't working and gave up but still didn't stop kissing his husband.

Steve gasped slightly as Tony, with new found strength, flipped them over and began riding Steve.

Tony braced his hands on Steve's chest and bit his lip to try and keep himself quiet- the others had scolded them (and teased them) about being loud and it was mostly Nat.

But then Steve said, "I want to hear you," and Tony began moaning loudly, no longer caring who heard.

Steve was so close, his husband was so unbelievably sexy and the positions they were in turned Steve on even more then usual.

If Steve hadn't been holding onto Tony's waist he would have fallen over when he finally hit his peak and came with a scream of Steve's name.

Steve came seconds later, his hot seed filling Tony up.

Tony winced a little when he pulled away from Steve to lay next to him. They were quiet for a long time, catching their breath and enjoying each other's company.

"Don't think just because that sex was amazing, you're off the hook for leaving me before telling me you went on a mission," Tony said finally. Steve chuckled and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together.

"I didn't think that at all- in fact I expected you to be mad at me." Steve turned his head to face Tony and gave him a confused look when he smirked devilishly.

"I guess I need to make you pay then."


So uh... I couldn't stay away and had to write a smut lmfao. Anyway... I just wanted to give a quick update cuz it feels like nobody reads my message thingys so...

The new book which is called Swords, Armour, and Blood will be out on July 1st when I get back from my camping trip.

I'll make many more smuts now that I'm on summer break and I'll eventually get working on the fanfic, I'm not gonna lie it's difficult to figure out what I want to write while also making sure it doesn't seem plagiarized so there's that.

That's all!

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