Mission: Incomplete part 1

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The world was broken.

The day Captain America sacrificed himself for the world a second time was devastating. He didn't come back this time, he was gone for good.

He and Tony had just been reunited, after years of being apart and unable or too afraid to see each other again.

They held each other and talked and for a moment, everything was getting better.

And then with a snap of his fingers, he was gone.

Tony had everyone back but the one person he wanted more than anything and anyone.

It had been a week and he felt more hopeless than the day Steve had died. He'd been drinking water but he didn't eat. He didn't move from his spot in the arm chair near the window.

He wanted to go lay down but he didn't have the energy to get up and move. He didn't want to go back to the bed where he had finally been with Steve again. His face and eyes hurt from crying so much and he stomach stopped gurgling and now it was just a constant pain every time he even tried to move.

He'd get a bladder infection soon as the last time he went to the bathroom was days ago, soon his heath would drastically decline and it would only be a matter of time before he withered away.

He wanted that.

Because dying meant being with Steve.


He stood with his gloved hands on his belt, shoulders squared and back straight. He was the very meaning of powerful.

His very stance exuded the raw power that flowed through his veins.

He was tall- extremely tall, with broad shoulders and large hands. His chest was solid muscle and his legs were long and muscular.

His face gave nothing away, no emotion and no indication that he was paying any attention as to what was going on around him- he knew everything though.

He was Captain Hydra.

Hydra stared at the back of the black leather chair, the occupant was facing the window looking out into the snowy mountains and the rising sun.

It was silent, the only sound was Hydra's gentle breathing and the sound of the man sitting in the chair, sipping on a glass of alcohol. The gentle sound of ice shifting in a glass cup.

"You are ready, Captain?" Hydra considered this question carefully, it was indeed a question and not a statement and if he answered wrong it would cost him.

"Yes," He said after a brief moment. His voice was loud in the quiet space, deep and raspy like the rumble of thunder.

"Good," the man spun around slowly in his high-backed chair, setting his glass down on his metal desk and leaned down to open a drawer.

Hydra kept his eyes forward, watching only from his peripheral vision.

The man held a file out to him and waited for Hydra to come and retrieve it- something the Captain wasn't used to.

He was used to everyone cowering under his large frame, under his shadow and he was used to getting want he wanted right away- he was used to people getting up and handing him the file.

For but a second, his mask faltered and he showed his destain for the man in the black leather chair before it was gone and the thump of his boots echoed off the walls as he walked towards the desk.

He stared the man in the eyes, Hydra's frame over towering the man and the tall backing of his chair, the colour of the man's eyes darkened in Hydra's shadow.

Slowly, as if snakelike, Hydra's large, gloved hand reached out and grabbed the file that would be his next mission.

Hydra stood up straight with the file in hand before turning and walking towards the door with long powerful strides.

When he got to the door he stopped as the man spoke again.

"Good luck, Captain."

Hydra turned looking over his shoulder, giving a slow, sinister smile to the man in his chair before turning and walking out the door.


He sat in his room now, his uniform folded neatly next to him and behind him sat a duffle bag with the other things he would need.

In his ungloved hands was a file with big red lettering spelling out, "Classified".

He ran his tongue over his teeth and then under, feeling the ridges of his sharp, fang-like teeth.

He'd been waiting to get this mission for a very long time, waiting for the time when his twin would finally fail and he would be able to take his place and finally put H.Y.D.R.A back in power.

He would kill that traitor James Barnes, he would slaughter Thor and his stupid brother, he would kill Hulk and finally, finally, kill Tony Stark.

He smiled again, it was finally happening.

His twin was finally dead and Hydra was finally getting the chance to do something more than blow up buildings and kill people in power- he would destroy the Avengers and bring so much chaos the government would be forced to pair with H.Y.D.R.A because they would be it's only salvation from the dangers and chaos that would come from the death of "Earth's Mightiest Hero's".

Captain Hydra stood up and folded the file back up, placing it in the bottom of his duffle bag and then packing his uniform and his weapons.

He put on his civilian clothes and with his bag over his shoulder and blue eye contacts to hide the intense blood-red colour of his eyes- he got into a H.Y.D.R.A operated helicopter and left the base to complete his mission.


This is the first time I'm updating in a long time and I deeply apologize for that- school is difficult and so is life... I don't have control of that.

Anyway I've missed writing and even though I have to be up in like 6 and a half hours writing this was worth it.

It's gonna be a mini series with like three or four parts so yeah!

I hope you enjoyed and I'll try to have the other parts out soon!


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