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Steve sat on the floor in the change room of the gym, tucked away in the back, hidden from anyone who would come in.

He wasn't doing good, there was a party last night. A party he couldn't go to and... and...

He heard his name.

Steve pulled his knees closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around himself, tucking his head away so whoever was looking for him didn't immediately see his state if they were to find him.

He'd been crying, his eyes were puffy and his skin was blotchy, hair a mess and his knuckles were shades of reds and purples from his outburst of anger.

He heard his name again but made no movement to go towards the sound of Tony's voice.

Tony, his partner, was the last person he wanted to see at that moment.

There was a party and there was drinking, broken promises and a violation of Steve's trust.

Steve knew he should have dumped Tony but he couldn't when he went and violated Tony's trust by going to someone else for the night.

Steve didn't remember their name, he was angry and went with the first man to throw himself at Steve.

Steve felt guilt like never before and he didn't know how he was ever going to look Tony in the eyes and tell him that he was unfaithful.

That Steve did something that went against his own moral codes.

"Steve!" Tony yelled, his voice much closer now and Steve could hear the sound of his shoes hitting the tiles and entering the shower area.

Steve held his breath and hoped Tony wouldn't see him and that he would leave but his wishes and silent pleas were left unanswered as Tony moved back the shower curtain helping to hide Steve.

"There you are," Tony let out a relieved sigh. "I... I thought you were actually gone."

Tony sunk to his knees beside Steve and sat in silence. Steve kept himself tucked inward, his face hidden and made no movement or sign that he acknowledged Tony's presence.

"I did something bad and I know you won't forgive me," Tony said quietly, flinching and closing his eyes. He was hungover but it didn't stop him from trying to find Steve when he woke up in an unknown bed.


They talked about it every once and a while, that cheating was under no circumstances okay and there would be no second chances with it. Steve trusted Tony and believed he wouldn't go behind Steve's back like he ended up doing.

Steve frowned and looked at Tony sharply, new angry flowing in him like a reopened wound. He was hurt and angry all over again, like said wound was ripped open and someone poured alcohol over it.

"I saw you," he said as emotionlessly as he could muster, if he showed that he didn't care then it would be easier to tell Tony that he was also unfaithful and that it was best to end things.

Tony nodded and swallowed thickly, turning his head to look at his folded hands on his knees.

There was silence again and any other time before then, it would have been comfortable and easy but now? It was tense and the air between the two men was radioactive that threatened to catch fire any moment.

Steve was numb now, he'd faced betrayal enough times. He'd lost enough people in his life that he cared about- he could get passed this. Considering he lost Peggy and Bucky and multiple others.

He realized that it was better to just... not. That it was better for him to just not participate in romantic human relations anymore.

"So what now?" Tony asked quietly, his voice shook in fear. He loved Steve, he relied on Steve and knew that he was the one person that Tony could go to for anything.

Tony knew he was going to fuck everything up, it was his fault, the party... the booze... the random blond he woke up next to.

"Well..." Steve said, taking a breath and stretching out his limbs. "I'm going back to the tower to pack my bags. Then I'm getting out of New York," he said as he stood up, Tony's eyes looked at him blurry and with tears streaming down his face.

"Don't..." Tony pleaded.

"We're done," Steve said and started to walk away. "Oh and Tony?"

Tony blinked and looked up at the man he loved.

"I cheated too. After I saw you with that other guy. Seemed like you were having more fun with him than you have with me." It was the nail in the coffin, Tony cried out and launched himself at Steve's feet, trying to get him to stay.

Steve stepped away and looked down at Tony in anger.

"I own my mistakes and I own the fact that I'm being a coward by not hearing you out but sometimes you stop caring and I just... I cheated and you cheated and that's the end of our relationship."

Tony laid there crushed and dying on the inside as he watched Steve leave him. Everything was ruined and Tony didn't even know if he could own up to his mistakes as Steve did. Steve was always stronger than him and...

And Tony ruined that. Ruined Steve's perfect image and soon there was going to be something, something in the news that added another stain on him.


Idek where I was going with this but here you have a break up story lol I might make it a mini series or I might not idk since I'm kinda dry with Stony stuff rn and I'm kinda loosing my motivation to write since I'm kinda gonna be busy with studying for exams and stuff and the fact that I'm going to be 15 in like 2 days so...

Anyway idk where I am at this point but yep that's it for me for today/tonight


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