What happens in Tony's lab

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"JARVIS, is Steve home?" Tony asked as he tightened a screw from under the car he was working on.

"Yes Mr. Stark. Steve is in his room reading." Tony chuckled, Steve was either working out or reading on his spare time, or learning to cook.... or trying to figure out the tv remote.... or something else...

"Tell him I need him." Steve and Tony have been friends with benefits for a while by now, but over time Tony had begun to fall for the Super Soldier.... and he was ready to tell him all about those pesky feelings he didn't know how to deal with, but at the same time he knew he was going back on the deal him and Steve had made when they first started fucking each other.

He gasped loudly when his ankle was grabbed and he was pulled out from under the car.

His hair was wild and wet. It stuck up in multiple directions and it was shiny under the lights of Tony's lab. His breath hitched in his throat as Steve grasped his chin in between his fingers and lightly kissed his lips.

"What is so important that JARVIS had to interrupt my shower?" Steve's tone was playful and teasing. JARVIS was wrong, Steve was not reading, he was showering.

"I...uhm...ah..." Tony stuttered for words as the man hovering over him had taken away his words and ability to breathe.

He was so breathtakingly handsome, god-like even.

"Well?" Steve asked playfully with an arch of his brow. Tony propped himself up on his elbows and got so close that if he tilted his head just a little he would be kissing Steve.

"I needed your help but now I think I need help with something else." Steve smirked.

"My room or yours?" Steve definitely didn't show the more... dirty and wild side of himself to other people, Tony was the only one apart of the team that knew about Steve's escapades... more like sex-capades.

Tony pretended to be deep in thought for a second before he grabbed Steve's freshly shaved face and pulled him forward.

"How about here?" He asked lowly in the Captains ear.

Steve was shocked because they had never done anything outside of a bedroom... and someone would be able to see them together if they stayed here in the lab...

Steve bit his lip, deep down he found it thrilling and more arousing that there was a chance someone would catch them in the middle of their sinful acts.

"Wherever you want." Steve pulled Tony up and carried him over to a table and pushed everything off and set Tony down on it.

"Hope that wasn't too important." Steve said in between kisses and pulling off garments of clothes.

"Nah." Tony needed to get back on track and tell Steve what he actually needed to tell him- or Steve would continue to think about this as meaningless sex.

"Steve wait." He placed his hands on Steve's shoulders and lightly pushed Steve away from sucking on his neck. "Wait."

Steve immediately pulled back at watched Tony with a worried expression.


"I have to tell you something." Steve nodded and Tony took a few deep breaths before getting ready to tell. "I...I think I love you."

"You love me?" He asked stunned. Tony wanted to curl up and die, by Steve's reaction Tony could tell he didn't feel the same way.

Tony wished he had gotten shit-faced drunk before admitting any sort of feelings so he could go back to drinking if his plan backfired... too late now.

"Oh god. I knew I shouldn't have told you." He tried to get away but Steve pressed himself in between Tony's legs and held his thighs, trapping him.

"No. Wait." This was the best news Steve had ever received.

"I love you too." There was a moment of no movements and sounds before Tony yelled for JARVIS to lock the lab from the outside, even the pin pad would be disabled.

Tony ran his hands over Steve's bare back, chest and shoulders. He threw his head back and moaned when Steve sucked on his sweet spot. Surly the others will see the hickey and tease him again.... they might even ask... but he was too busy to care.

Steve started trailing kisses down his chest and glanced up at Tony when he got to the edge of his jeans.

Tony laid back on the cold metal table so Steve could take off his pants. Tony gripped Steve's hair tight in his fingers as his warm mouth engulfed his hard dick.

Steve deep throated Tony until he was close to release, then he stopped. Tony whimpered at the loss of contact and Steve cursed quietly when he nearly tripped trying to take off his jeans.

Steve knew Tony was ready because it was yesterday the last time they had fucked so he gave a quiet warning and thrust his hips forward.

Tony let out a loud moan and locked his fingers with Steve's. They pressed against each other as Steve's thrusts grew faster and faster with each passing second.

"I love you." Steve whispered as he got closed and closer to his climax- but Tony wasn't there yet so he grabbed onto Tony's dick and started to pump him.

"Oh god Steve!" The two of them didn't care about being caught, they didn't care about the noise, all they could care about was the other person.

"Steve... don't pull out..." Tony said when he felt Steve start to shake and his thrusts became unrhythmic.

"But..." Steve couldn't muster up any further protest as he tipped over the edge.

"Tony!!" Steve cried as he held Tony's hands and climaxed. Tony started to cum as soon as Steve did.

They stayed there laying on the table until their breathing was controlled.

"I love you too Rogers." Tony whispered and Steve chuckled.

"I guess we'd better clean up."

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