Can't Sleep pt. 2 (smut)

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Third person

They didn't stay sleeping for very long; the rain had ceased and so had the thunder and still Steve and Tony laid together in bed.

"Steve?" Tony whispered as he turned in Steve's grip to face him completely, it was probably almost morning but neither cared.

"Yes, Tony?" Steve shifted slightly so he could look down at him.

"When I said I liked you... I mean it. I really... really like you." Steve arched a blond brow and gave a small smile that, to Tony, was worth more than any amount of money to him.

"I really, really like you too, Tony," Steve rolled so now he was hovering over top of Tony, arms braced on either side of his head and hips in between his legs.

They stared at each other, shiny sky blue eyes looking down into golden chocolate coloured eyes. It was as if they spoke a million words without actually saying anything.

Slowly, as if almost hesitating, Steve leaned down and brushed his lips against Tony's ever so gently.

And as quickly as he was there, he was gone again.

Baffled, Steve crawled away wondering why Tony hadn't kissed him back, only to have him pulled back to a much more passionate kiss that still remained slow and gentle.

Tony slipped his tongue inside Steve's mouth, together their tongues danced slowly and Steve was pulled down so he was yet again hovering over Tony.

"I've waited so long for this..." Tony whispered as he ran he hands over Steve's shoulders and back muscles.

"Tony... are you sure you want to do this? I mean... I'd love to be with you it's just that-" Tony silenced him with another slow, gentle, teasing kiss.

Steve made a noise and gripped onto Tony's t-shirt with a tight grip, separating their gentle kiss only so he could remove the material.

"I take that as a yes?" Steve mumbled as he started kissing down Tony's neck, leaving soft, teasing kisses that made Tony moan quietly.

"Yes." He breathed which was soon followed by a moan as Steve licked and dragged his teeth erratically over Tony's nipple.

Steve gripped the waistband of Tony's sweats and as sensually and teasingly slow as possible he pulled off his pants.

Tony moaned again as Steve's long finger teased his hole. "Come on Stevie... hurry," Tony didn't care about trying not to sound desperate because he was.

He needed Steve and that became apparent as he thrust down on Steve's finger, crying out at the pleasure.

Steve smirked and moved his finger around, before adding another, increasing the amount of pleasure Tony felt jolting through his system.

He moaned and gripped onto Steve's messy hair, begging quietly for him to hurry so they could finally and truly be together.

"Steve..." Steve prepped Tony, despite his begging, and finally took off his own sweats.

"You ready?" Steve was quiet as he left gentle kisses on Tony's skin. Tony nodded and Steve pushed in slowly.

Steve groaned, his arms shaking as he struggled to hold himself up, waves of pleasure coiled through him.

Tony moaned as well, his fingernails digging into the skin of Steve's shoulders before dragging down his back, leaving angry red lines.

"Already claiming me, huh?" Steve asked, slightly breathless as be began to move his hips tantalizingly slow.

Tony squirmed and moaned as he continued to drag his nails over Steve's skin.

"Steve...." Tony gasped when Steve's pace quickened ever so slightly, he wanted to make their first time together memorable and not just a quick moment.

Steve laced his fingers with Tony's but still held himself up.

They kissed, slow and gentle as every other movement thus far.

Tony wished for more, so much more, but he was extremely happy with what he was getting because he never thought in a million years would Steve actually like him back enough to engage in beautiful love making.

Their kiss was passionate and soon enough they drew closer and closer to their inevitable release.

Steve has to pull away from Tony's mouth so he could gasp and moan Tony's name as pleasurable tingles spread through him and he began jolting when he tipped over the edge.

Steve's release sent Tony over the edge, his hot seed spilling onto his chest as he moaned loudly with Steve.

Steve pulled away from Tony when he finally caught his breath, but never let go.

He waited long enough to hold Tony and be with him that now that he had him, Steve wasn't planning on letting him go anytime soon.

"Steve?" Tony whispered as he studied their fingers which were still locked together.

"Yes Tony?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Tony blushed deeply in embarrassment but he knew Steve couldn't see it from the darkness of the room.

"Of course Tony."


So... I'm proud of myself that I actually finished this but idk if it was worth the wait? You'll have to tell me

And was it good? I'm really good and writing angsty shiet and am not very good at trying to be cute n shiet...

Please tell me your thoughts!

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