Mission: Incomplete part 3

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Hydra had explained the story multiple times by now, flushing out the "hazy details" of how he came to be in 2023, when in all reality these were details drilled into his brain ruthlessly. He knew it by heart but had to act like he was clueless as to why he was here now.

Tony sat on his knee, refusing to give him some space and he didn't stop crying. Hydra continued to play his part, occasionally turning and kissing Tony passionately before returning to the conversation.

Someone Hydra realized he had to be aware of quickly was Carol. She watched him from the corner with a suspicious corner eye, he knew she suspected him.

She hadn't been apart of the team for long, a few years but definitely not as long as any of the others but she was strong and smart and Hydra knew she'd put up a fight.

He turned back to Tony and Peter, trying to act like Steve.

Hydra admitted to himself disdainfully, he liked the attention. Back at the H.Y.D.R.A base he was always treated like shit, even if he was a captain- H.Y.D.R.A had a certain way of dealing with it's workers. He was just a soldier at one point too.

Carol stood up suddenly, the very air around her shuddering and everyone turning to face her as she walked up to Hydra and Tony, looking down her long nose at him and pursing her lips.

She studied him for a moment before her face changed, she smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

"I'm glad you're back, Steve. We all missed you," she said before grabbing Thor's shoulder, giving him a look before they both got up and left.

Hydra bit his lip, he wasn't planning on killing Carol first. He had planned on his own who he was going to take out first and she definitely wasn't on the top of the list.

"Come with me," Tony whispered in his ear as he got up and held his hand out to Hydra. Hydra hesitated again, only for a second before he mentally kicked himself and grabbed Tony's hand.


Tony pushed Hydra down on his back. Their breathing was heavy as Tony clawed at Hydra's shirt, sitting on his chest.

"You're bigger..." he said as he groped at Hydra's body. Hydra groaned, his back arching into Tony's body as he pulled his shirt over his head.

This isn't part of the plan. Why am I doing this? Oh god... Hydra get out of here. Stop this.

He tried to force himself to stop, to flip them around and strangle Tony, to get this over with- but he had never done something like this before, he was never touched like this and he... he liked it.

Every instinct that had ever been tortured into Hydra screamed at him to complete the mission. To kill Tony Stark. To do his fucking job- but he couldn't.

His fucking hesitation.

Hydra wrapped his leg around Tony and flipped them around, his mouth leaving hot trails down Tony's neck until he found his sweet spot and bit Tony.

Tony moaned loudly as Hydra pulled away, his hands going under Tony's shirt and up, pulling it over Tony's head. Hydra's hands gripped Tony's neck gently.

This is it. I am going to do it.

But he couldn't.

So he let his hands wander down further and further again until he gripped Tony's sweat pants.

"Tony," Hydra said breathlessly as he stared to pull Tony's pants down.

"Steve, stop," Tony gripped Hydra's shoulders, stopping his movement of removing Tony's pants. Hydra let himself be pulled up by Tony, he propped himself up on his arms over Tony, looking down at him.

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