Can't sleep (fluff)

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Third person

It was raining that night, thunder booming loudly in the sky as the fat drops of water pelted the thick glass of Tony Stark's tower bedroom.

It was late, around three am and the thunder was keeping him awake. He hated thunder.

He hid under the blankets, trying to drown out his fear with the music coming from his phone and earbuds.

Eventually he fell asleep but it didn't last long as nightmares plagued his sleep and he awoke- only having been asleep for half an hour.

His mind drifted to the person who was in the next bedroom probably not even bothered with the rain after having spent many nights sleeping under a tarp with the pouring rain.

Tony bit his lip as he pulled out his earbud and tossed his phone onto the side table as he rolled onto his back.

With a sigh he got up and quietly left his room to go and stand outside the door to Steve's bedroom, only to hesitate in knocking.

Was this inappropriate? Would Steve actually stay up with him? Did Steve even like him the way he did?

A million questions ran through his head but before he could talk himself into walking back into his room and forfeiting sleep for the third night in a row, he gently knocked on the navy coloured door.

It took a minute but Steve eventually opened the door and groggily rubbed his eyes before leaning against the door frame as his vision focused on Tony.

Tony immediately started to blush as he was looking up at a very disheveled looking Super Soldier.

His blond hair was messy and stuck up in many directions, his eyes still glowing with beauty despite the grogginess.

His rippling abs on display as he stood in a pair of low hanging black sweat pants.

"I...couldn't sleep and..." he shifted uncomfortably and ran a hand through his hair.

"Is everything okay Tony?" Steve asked gently. "If you want you can stay with me?" Tony smiled and nodded, trying not to seem too enthusiastic or desperate.

They went and laid down and Tony was overcome with exhaustion as soon as he laid down and was close to Steve.

They laid awkwardly at first then Steve sighed and grasped onto Tony and pulled the smaller man to his chest.


"Just be quiet and go to sleep Tony," He murmured as he pressed his nose into Tony's soft brown hair.

"Thank you for letting me in..." Tony shifted a little so he was more comfortable in Steve's large arms.

"There's always a place here for you Tony... truth is I've liked you for a long time." Steve was thankful it was dark so Tony couldn't see the burning glow of his cheeks.

"I like you too, Steve," Tony nuzzled closer and wrapped his arms around Steve as they both fell asleep peacefully and happily.


Okay so I am very sorry for lack of anything for a LONG time... trust me I feel bad... I have chapters from New Years that were supposed to come out on those specific holidays and stuff but since it's a little hard for me to write something that isn't angsty and it's also hard for me to write smut...

I'm trying okay?

Maybe I can make a part 2 of this and turn it into smut 😏😏😏

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