Mission: Incomplete part 4

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Tony stared at Hydra, pain filled his brown eyes as he looked at the man. Tony knew that he was too good to be true, that this man couldn't possibly have been Steve... it was just nice... just for a minute to believe that for a moment he was back.

"And... is it true? That you are here to kill us?" Tony was almost afraid to ask. Did he want to know the answer?

And did he believe that this man would tell the truth?

He wasn't Steve. He was a H.Y.D.R.A agent.

He was stronger than Steve himself.

Tony and the man stared at each other until The Captain slowly nodded.

"It...it was?" He sighed in defeat. "I don't want to kill you..." he admitted with a certain tension in his muscles. He never felt the need to engage with his emotions back at the base, he didn't need to. Not when he had someone telling him what to do and how to feel about someone.

He was confused with how he was feeling, he didn't understand the things he felt.

"But you did?"

He opened and closed his mouth, looking down at Tony helplessly before he sighed in defeat again. Again, Captain Hydra didn't feel defeat nor did he ever not have a response to something said.

"Yes. Yes, I did," he admitted.

"Why?" Hydra groaned, throwing himself down on Tony's bed laying down beside where Tony sat.

"You ask too many questions," he said. He concealed how he felt, the unknown feeling that made him want Tony. The feeling coursed through his veins and he didn't understand what about this situation made him want Tony so badly.

Was it because someone was paying attention to him? Actually asking him how he felt?

He sighed.

All his life someone was there to whisper in his ear how he should feel and that, that was the only way to feel. He'd never thought on his own aside from planning someone's death or kidnapping.

Tony grabbed his jaw suddenly, making The Captain face him.

"I want to know why," Tony said. Hydra inhaled his scent, they were so close. His mind was fuzzy and he felt a mix of lust and confusion pulsing through him.

"I don't know," he whispered as he looked into Tony's eyes. "All my life someone has told me how to feel and how to act... I don't know if I ever wanted to kill you."

They stared at each other and Hydra felt uncertain, uncertain of everything that was happening.

He could still complete the mission. He could end Tony. He could kill the others and he could gain the respect he always craved from the people at H.Y.D.R.A.

But he realized after a moment that he himself didn't want to kill anyone. He was tired and the more he looked into how he truly felt the more he realized about himself.

"I don't want to kill you or anyone else," he said after a moment, placing his hand hesitantly on the side of Tony's face, only concerning more solidly that he didn't want to kill.

It was his superiors all along, telling him to hate Tony and to hate James Barnes. Telling him to hate the god of thunder and to hate a mere kid whose name was Peter.

He had done so much bad though, he felt terrible. He felt like a weight was crushing him now that he knew how he truly felt.

He was a terrible person.

He went to get up, he was going back- even if it meant he would be tortured and killed, left to be forever nameless.

Monster, Hydra, Captain, he'd been called so many things- guilty and nameless was just another word and name to add to the list.

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