13 || Away from the crowd

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-Y/N's POV-

Hours passed by quickly while making the song duet, and let's say it wasn't as successful as you wanted this day to be; since Moonbin and Mack were with you two it was a bit hard to concentrate, and the song was left behind with only a sixty percent of progress. Right now it's already time to have your break time so you are settling everything in order before going out of the recording studio, Myungjun isn't here since his manager wanted to talk to him so you'll wait for him.

As you kept putting everything in order you heard the door opening so you turned around, you thought for a moment that it was MJ but it isn't, and instead of him your brother came in.

-Hey, I thought you were with the guys – You said while glancing at him.

-I was but someone called me and I decided to visit her – JinJin said a bit serious.

-Her? Are you talking about mom? – You questioned while settling the couch with the pillows.

-Yes, I am and I think you should visit her – JinJin said. –She needs somebody, Y/N, I don't see her well – He added concerned.

-You know that I won't go with her, and it surprises me since you were the first one to give the idea of running away from her – You said as you stopped working.

-I know, but this time I just want you to visit her – JinJin said. –Everything she did to you was wrong and stupid, but she's your mother – He added.

-And I'm her daughter, the one she treated like trash, do you recall? – You questioned upset.

-I do, but I don't want you to erase her from your life either – JinJin told. –She truly needs us with her – He added.

-I'm sorry, I won't go – You said seriously. –When I needed her she wasn't there either, so why should I bother? – You questioned while walking away from JinJin.

-And why you should be like her then? If you don't go you'll be just like her – JinJin continued.

-I think it's enough, Jinwoo – You heard Myungjun's voice which made you look towards the door.

He walked towards you and stood next to you while looking at him surprised MJ was calmly breathing like if this talk was normal.

-Hyung, you shouldn't get into sibling's talks – JinJin said a bit nervous.

-I already did – He smiled. –Why don't you go with Eunwoo and the rest? They might be searching for you – MJ added.

-You should come with me then – JinJin said.

-Hmm, I'm working in our duet so I can't – MJ said while chuckling a bit. –And I don't want to see you kissing Rocky all the time – He joked.

-Oh, by the way, congratulations – You added before chuckling a bit along with MJ.

-Thanks, I guess – JinJin said shyly. -*Sigh* I'll see you later – He said while walking to the door.

-Yes, bye JinJin-ah! – MJ said happily, JinJin just turned around and waved at you two with a shy smile and just like that he got out of the recording room.

-Why you always appear when I need you? – You questioned while placing your hand on your head.

-Because I'm your hero – He smiled.

-*Chuckle* you are such a fool – You grinned, then you placed your head on his shoulder. –Do you think I'm like my mother? – You questioned concerned.

-You aren't, I swear – MJ said while caressing your head. –It's break time so let's get out of here – He continued.

-Where? – You asked while looking at him confused.

-Well, I want to stay away from Astro for a while – MJ admitted. –I think telling Moonbin wasn't the best idea – He chuckled.

-It wasn't but I don't mind he knows, and I bet you don't want to be there with them because of Eunwoo, right? – You guessed.

-Right, you can invite Sanha though – He smiled.

-Okay, deal – You smiled while patting his cheek.

-I really want to know if you are okay though, JinJin went way too far in my opinion – MJ said while looking at you concerned.

-I'm fine, it was just surprising what he said – You said. –Don't worry, my fool – You said while acting cute.

-*Chuckle* you are so cute~ what am I supposed to do against all those guys out there? – MJ questioned dramatically.

-Why do you say that? – You questioned while giggling. –I just love you, Kim Myungjun – You said before giving him a little peck on his lips.

-That's better – MJ smiled. –Oh, did I tell you what happened with my manager? – He suddenly asked.

-Hmm, no you didn't – You said while resting your head against his shoulder.

-Well, the manager told me that this song should have a music video – MJ said happily.

-Oh my god! Are you kidding? – You asked amazed.

-No, I'm not, how could I? – MJ rolled his eyes with a smile.

-But wait, who's going to appear in the video? – You asked.

-Hmm, he let us do what we want so it can be anyone – MJ explained.

-Do you think is a good idea if we are in it? – You questioned. –Like a music video with us having fun with Astro and stuff – You continued.

-I don't dislike that idea – MJ smiled. –You are such a good accent to this company, I'm glad you joined – He added happily.

-Cheesy, but I agree – You giggled. –Let's get Sanha before we keep on going – You said before kissing his cheek.

-Let's get him then – He smiled as you two walked out of the recording studio.

You went toward Astro's practice room where everyone is supposed to be at, and while walking towards the room you saw Sanha walking all alone through the hallway.

-Sanha, what are you doing here? – You asked.

-We thought you were with the rest of the boys – MJ added.

-I was, but Mack came and was very cheesy with Moonbin in no time, and then we have the two hyungs who are eating each other constantly – Sanha said. -*Sigh* tell me you two aren't like them – He said defeated.

-*Chuckle* actually we came to see if you wanted to come with us, we're going to get our meal – You said while looking at Sanha with a smile.

-Okay, I'll go – Sanha said happier.

-I bet you had a hard day – MJ said while patting his back.

-Yeah, I did – Sanha said. –My eyes suffered a lot – He chuckled.

-*Laugh* I think I have to talk with my brother then – You said.

-Please do! Those two are worse than Mack and Moonbin-hyung! – Sanha claimed.

-Ugh, I'm glad I wasn't there – MJ said with relief.

-You are lucky – Sanha claimed.

-I know – MJ smiled while looking at you, which made you rolled your eyes followed by a wide smile.

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