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"Why? Why? Tell me why are you doing this to us?!! What have we ever done to you to deserve this?!!!" Asks a teenage boy. He was restrained by shackles and suspended in the air by a magic circle made of light in a completely white space.

"You know very well why. You come to my planet, my domain with that thing dwelling inside you and expect me to be merciful? That thing must have already corrupted your sense of judgment." Answers a white majestic dragon the size of a continent. The male is right before its giant yellow iris.

"What?! What are you talking about?! We don't understand you!"

"In short boy the fragment that you have within you lying dormant is an abomination to a god such as myself. That thing is the embodiment of Fear, Hate, Rage, Suffering and Death. It was created by the repulsive scourge of creation known as GIMOR, The Pied Piper. His creation is referred to as The Fragment of Author or The Shounen Heart. It disturbs the natural order of power casing nothing but destruction and those who hold the fragment are worse than the fragment itself. They reject both good and evil and walk a path of moral self-servitude, doing whatever they please plunging everything into chaos." The almighty dragon god answered making the boy smirk. "Is there something funny or is it that all fragment holders are happy to face their demise?"

"Like we said before we don't know anything about any fragment and we don't care but it seems to us like you're scared of it." His smirk grew into a shit eating grin. Electricity ran through his body putting him in agony.

"Insolent fool. Know your place."

"You can hurt us all you want but that doesn't change the fact that you're afraid. You're afraid of what they represent, the power they hold and losing your precious world!"

"It seems that you are too stubborn so a lesson in pain will do you no good and death is too kind a fate for scum being such as you. Eternal suffering shall be your salvation." A teenage girl floats up on a magic circle in-between them. She laid there unconscious. Immediately he knew who she was, the love of his life.

"What are you doing? Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this." He pleaded.

"This is your salvation." The almighty dragon god said before torturing the girl with electricity.

"No!!!" He yells as the one he loves screams out in pain. "Stop it please!! We're begging you!! Do anything you want with us but please have mercy on her!!"

"Then kneel and surrender your soul to me."

"Yes whatever you want just stop hurting her." He says as the chains loosen enough for him to kneel. The electricity stops leaving the girl breathing heavily. The dragon's massive claw came before the young male harvesting his soul just as they agreed upon. The girl screams out in pain. The electricity resumes. A red eye opens in his soul that floats around the dragon's claw. "You bastard!! We thought we had a deal!!!"

"Did you honestly think I'd hold up my end of the bargain? With a lowly insignificant being that isn't even worthy of being in my presence? Don't be naive."

"Bastard! You think this is over?! You think you've won?! Just waiting, they'll come for you. DT the third son of God, the one who will defeat Existence himself. And not just him, The Dark End known as Black Disaster, Maleeque Day also known as the Melas Oneiros Phontasos Herema the Sky Emperor, Sly Han the White Sacred One of Slender, Kuro Kageyama the Demon King! They'll all come! They and their friends will all come for you!!!" He threatens. The creature wasn't phase by his words.

"My....Lover..." Says the girl still being electrocuted.

"Sweetheart! Sweetheart, Sweetheart just hold on okay, were going to alright. They'll come and save us, Maleeque will definitely save us okay, just hold on." He said, desperately trying to reassure her.

"Remember when you said we'd be together forever, in sickness and in health," She said with tears streaming down her cheeks, still smiling at the one she loved.

"Not even in death shall we part. Sweetheart I love you with everything I have."

"And I love-" She was cut off by a broad spear landing in her back. His eyes shot open as she coughed up blood, gasping and clawing her way to him desperately. She stops moving, lying lifeless in her own blood. Her face conveying sadness, despair and regret.

He stares at her motionless body, trying to comprehend what just took place. "Ha. Haha... hahahahahahaha no no no no no, no. Stop playing around. Heh I never knew you liked to mess around so much, you were always so shy and timid while I was just a big nerd. He'd always laugh at how I always got nervous around you. Do you remember when he and I took you flying for the first time? You were so scared that you couldn't stop shaking. You held onto us so tight. Right Sweetheart you remember? Sweetheart? Sweetheart?" He called but her lifeless corpse didn't respond. " can' can't be.....*gulp* dead." With watery eyes he still struggled to accept her death. "No. No. No. No. No! Please wake up, you're not dead, you can't be, you just can't!!! We were supposed to be together forever not even death do us part! Please don't be dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screams out before going completely quiet.

A few moments pass before the almighty dragon god, who dropped the spear on the girl killing her, says. "That is your divine justice, your mercy, your eternal punishment to endure suffering. Such delight it brings me."

"You...We said we were going to leave you to our friends but..."

"Tell me do you still believe in your friends-" The boy raised his head revealing bright gray dragon eyes. For the first time in the dragon god's life he felt an emotion strange to him. It came and washed over his entire being. It was so unfamiliar that he didn't recognize it for what it truly was. Fear.

"We'll kill you ourselves!!!!!!!!" Gray flames burst from his body as he pulls against the chains violently to rhythm of a strange whistling Melody. "I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!!!!!"
"How dare you take what is ours!!! I'll end everything you hold dear!!!" Says a second voice coming from the male.

"A dragon and a human sharing the same vessel?!"

"I, the last of Black Dragon race who were persecuted out of fear thus leading to extinction, who has become one with the holder of this vessel, shall ascend to the godly planes and become The Black Dragon of Ragnarok and end your precious world!!!" Declared the dragon within.
"I, the one who was too weak to protect what I cherished, and has lost the one most important to me, shall take vengeance upon this world that has wrongfully condemned me by becoming the Black Dragon Emperor and rain down my wrath upon the scum of this Earth!!!" Yells the male.
"End it in hellfire!"
"End it in blood!"
"End it in destruction!"
"End it in suffering!"
"End it in death!"
"End it in utter annihilation!"
"End it in the name of Chaos! We shall offer up this world back to her in exchange for the one we seek. End it for Power, end it for Vengeance. *Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*" They bellowed, both roaring unitedly.

"Enough!!!" The dragon god roared releasing yellow white flames at them.

"In the End it doesn't matter for we are Unrivaled" Were their last words before their body disintegrated.

"A mere dragon halflen dared to threaten my domain. Pitiful. There can only be one Unrivaled being and it is I, The White Dragon of Omnipotence, The White Death known as Bakunawa. This Earth is my playground." It said now floating in space almost twice the size of Earth.

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