Chapter 12-Rescue Yuri Part 1 - Will Of The Forest, Dryad

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"Prepared yourselves everyone. Tonight, we officially begin the rescue operation. Nekomori-chan. Get a feel for the terrain."

"On it nyao." Nekomori responds to Misumi's command leaping into the night sky before landing on a tree branch, resting her hand on the bark. Her uniform was a military style hoodie long fishtail jacket over a matching black with purple hemming drop waist dress. Long black and purple striped socks in mountain ankle boots. "This in so much pain nyao. You poor creatures. You've been absorbing the remnant energy of those who were tortured here, so that you could seek vengeance for them and the decoration that's been done to your forest nyao. How naive little Nature Spirits. You haven't even been around long enough to evolve into a Nymph nyao. Just leave everything to me I'll get your vengeance nyao." Moving swiftly through the trees like she was a cat chasing after her prey on the ground. She quickly encountered the first wave of Fallen who attacked her without warning.

Flying straight towards her swinging a giant battle axe vertical slamming it into the ground with a big boom that sent pieces of rubble flying. Luckily Nekomori dodged him by leaping to her left. "Not bad." Says the African looking male who attacked her.

"Let's see if you'll get lucky a second time." Before she could reunite with the ground another Fallen, this time a dark-haired woman wearing a Chinese dress, does a downward diagonally slash. There was no physical way possible to dodge an attack like that in midair yet she wasn't fazed by it.

"Forest Whisper nyao." Out of nowhere she is hit by a gust of wind knocking her to the ground, landing on her feet as a cat should. Not wasting time, she runs on all fours to the farthest Fallen, scruffy looking young man a few trees back, evading his sword thrust with her unmatched reflexes before doing a low roundhouse kick with her left leg then slashed him across his back with her claws but he blocked with his sword. It wasn't anywhere enough to kill him but that wasn't her goal.

She continues assault dodging the enemy's attacks and scratching them in the process. Just a little more time. She thought. Her strategy of scratch and run was working perfectly. But in battle, unpredictable situations always occur.

The Fallen who flew above shot light from their hands raining down beams of redemption upon her. A few seconds of bombardment and several backflips later she was out of their line of fire hidden behind a tree. "Nature's Cloak nyao." Dammit. These idiots aren't neyoing around. She thought clenching her left hand with her right. As she gazed upon the battlefield, she just escaped covered in burn marks. They can't sense me as long as Nature's Cloak is active but if this goes on for too long the forest will be in bad shape. And if my little scuffle is causing this much damage, when the others start fighting, the forest will be devastated!

"Here kitty kitty kitty. Come here little pussycat. Come out and play. Playing hide and seek, are we? No matter. I'll just get rid of your hiding places." Hold up his axe he swings indiscriminately chopping down tree after tree with its shear force.

"Stop it's neyo!" Nekomori runs out.

In a burst of power, he advanced with his axe ready to take the kill. "I've got you!"

"Think again. Green Paw:" Raising her righthand to the sky it gathers up small green balls of light that resembles fireflies that comes from the surrounding trees. She absorbs it until her hand changes color. "Aerial Rhizome Slash." She did a downward diagonally slash leaving five green claw marks suspended in the air causing the man to halt out of suspension.

He smirked realizing that it was nothing more than a scam. "Ha! It was just a bluff." In a spit second, through his heart, leg, arms, wings, head. His entire body was penetrated violently by what appeared to be giant tree roots. "W-wh-what is...this? Where did these roots come from? Did you open a rift to a dungeon? Is this a monster plant?" Trembling as his blood dropped from the holes in his leaking body to the thirsty roots leaving none to waste. He struggled with his words still alive though his skull was pierced. The other Fallen were wary of her, keeping their distance while observing. None daring to attempt rescue.

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