Chapter 14-Rescue Yuri Part 3 - Lycanthrope

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"I never knew Machi-chan was so fierce. But still those were Orcs. They're all slow ground troops and close quarter combatants. Fallen are both close and range fighters not to mention they have an aerial advantage." Hisa says still adamantly worrying.

"I agree with her. That pup's gonna be killed if she doesn't get some back up." Says Celia wearing a white crop top and leather pants, unlike the others who were in uniform. "Worse if any of the Ten show up. Only one who could beat them would be this jerk but been sitting here mumbling to himself this whole time!" She yells pointing at Kono who seemed to be meditating. "This was suicide plan from the get go. I told you stealthy infiltration but noooo, you had to do a full-on frontal assault. It was insane to think a demi-human could take on that many Fallen alone." Hayami suddenly held her from behind. Shit! I stepped out of line, now this sneaky bitch is probably gonna teach me to know my place.

Hayami simply hugs her tight, giving a kiss smack on the cheek. It seems you're finally starting to think of us as family otherwise you wouldn't be so worried about Machi-chan..... Wait demi-human? Hayami gasps realizing they had no clue. "Oh my oh my. You two have no ideal, do you?" They both had question marks above their heads. "Machi-chan isn't a demi-human."

Hisa nods her head. "I know, she's a werewolf." Everyone except her, Celia, Kono and Misumi shook their heads.

"Wait is she a Canis?" Suggests Celia.

"No, something more powerful. She's a Lycanthrope."

"A Lycan? But isn't a Canis more powerful?"

"Not Lycan. Lycanthrope. They're the first ever half man half wolf to ever existed. All the others are just mongrels, they are nothing in front of a Lycanthrope. To prove my point even further let me ask you this. Would you stand against The god Zeus or his Demi-human offspring?"

"Do you think I have a death wish?! Of course I wouldn't! Even if I'm a Fallen and reject God, I still wouldn't even be able to move in their presence."

"Precisely." Says Misumi taking over. "The Lycanthrope history start with Lycaon who was the last king of Arcadia. Wanting to fix his public image by returning his poverty-stricken kingdom back to its golden years of prosperity he became obsessed with worshiping The gods. Through this act he brought back the prosperity that his kingdom once knew by fallowing the rules of The god and his people adored him for it. But soon he became too obsessed with pleasing them that he started to do human sacrifices and cannibalism. This was already abolished by The gods. Zeus punished Lycaon by putting him, and his followers under a curse that turns them into a half man half wolf, having the ability to transform into all the other werewolf forms because that's where they originated from. The first Lycanthropes."

"Okay but what does that have to do with Zeus-sama's.... children?? No way! Lycaon was one of Zeus-sama's children?!"

From their location they all felt it. The surge of magical energy that explodes blowing gusts of wind throughout the forest. This monstrous power was so wild and unyielding. They all thought one thing staring in the direction of the source of all that magic power. Machi-chan.

"Yes, but it was never recorded in the history books that Lycaon was one of Zeus-sama's bastards." Replied Misumi to the still in shock Celia, not giving her a moment to recover she continues elaborating further. "If you've never known, all werewolf like creatures fight and transform by enveloping their bodies in magic to transform but their maximum magic capacity is low and they can't release a lot, thus they depend on the moon or increasing their output through training. However, a lycanthrope's maximum capacity is 50 times that of a Canis."


The Fallen were terrified of what emerged from the center of the explosion. Dropping their weapons stunned by fear. "W-what in Gabriel's name is that thing?!!"

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