Chapter 15-Rescue Yuri Part 4 - Trap Prince & The Epicene Summoner

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Torappuko reappears on the west end of the forest. The moment she arrives she senses the army of Fallen to her immediate right. "Laws of Nature Adhere to My Will, Hide Me from My Enemies. Presence Concealment- Tier 3." Her body was coated in green magical aura, fading into the background. Climbing up a tree in a single leap, she secured herself an optimal position.

Taking the bow off her back. "Imperial Curio Weaponry: Eternal Bow of Artemis- Partial Activation." The bow glows brilliantly before she pulls back on the string. Her magic flows into the bow forming an arrow.

Releasing it without even aiming, it whooshed through the trees pierced the targets heart. The Fallen drops out of the sky dead. "Phew. That wasn't so hard. Time for another one." Pulling back the glowing string she fired again. Another one biting the dust. "I-I think I might be able to take it. This much isn't so bad. Another... another...another...another. Another one."

What she thought was a slow and steady pace was comparable to a Gatling gun decimating the Fallens numbers, or so it should be, unfortunately her position was by now comprised and they were closing in on her shooting their lights out of their palms at her.

Her only defense was shooting at the beams splitting them in half, cancelling them out. It was a futile effort. In a matter of seconds, she was surrounded.

A brown messy haired woman was the first to call her out. "Alright show yourself coward!"

"It's pointless to hide." Said another.

"You might be able to hide your presence but we'll find you eventually."

"The moment you shoot it the moment your life ends." The woman spoke again

Oh no oh no. I've already been discovered? But this was my chance. My chance to be of use to Misumi-sama. It can't be over... She panicked only to feel a hand grab her leg. Her trembling gave away her position because the spell she casted hide her presence, body and smell. Not her sounds.

"I've got you now!"

"Kyaaa!!" She screams before he pulls her out of the trees tossing her to the ground. In this worst-case scenario, she scurried to fix her skirt before pointing her bow at them. "S-stay back. I-I'll shooting! I mean it!"

"Well what do you know. It's just a little girl with a bent stick!" She kicked her in the face. A shriek escaped her mouth that was soon replaced by the raw taste of blood.

"Can you believe this twerp killed so many of us...? It really ticks me off." Another one grabbed her head and smashed a tree, letting her fall backwards. All this while not letting go of her bow despite the sting of her broken nose and burning sensation on her busted-up lips.

The brown-haired woman from before steps on her hands. Her finger felt like they were burning. She still didn't let go. "Well what do we have here? What's so special about this bent stick?....! Are shitting me?! An IC?! Right here beneath my foot! How lucky is this!"

"Let's kill her and take it now!"

"Yeah!" Everyone seemed to share the same sentiment. Torappuko flinched as the sword approached her stomach. This was the end?

Out of the sky came an imposing aura crashing into the ground a few feet away. "Anyone who dares to touch her is courting death."

Immediately, they all step back, bowing their heads to a male Fallen angel with a wing span of thirteen meters. His features were beatific despite his unkept purple hair and a scruffy goatee yet he was seductively attractive. The sword that he had on his waist glowed with the same sinister purple aura he was emitting. Engraved on it were the words Arch. He was one of the Arch Ten.

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