Chapter 2

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Simone pov :

We ended up having the same exact schedule, go figure!

Same homeroom, same classes and even the same lunch. It was a bit odd, but I was cool with it.

A week passed from the day that I had meet Laiyla. Everything was the same as usual, but I still had this feeling of a weird presence.

Everything was going well until Laiyla pulled me outside, to the side of the building. She said that she had to really talk to me.

We got outside, where there was no one around. "I have a really big secret that I am gonna tell you." she said. "Go and tell me then." "Ok, but you may not believe me but I am gonna tell you anyway." she said. "Well tell me already!" "Ok, I am a vampire!" she said. I had busted out in laughter. I did not believe her at all. Maybe she was a bit coco in the head. "You do not believe me, do you?" she said. "No I do not, are you sure that you are not pretending. Vampires are only in make-believe books." "Fine, since you do not believe me, I will have to show you." she said. She said the word "Transform" while doing a back flip and then there was a big flash of light....

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