Chapter 26

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Laiyla pov

I heard Kitty going through some stuff in my room. Why in the hell is she up this early in the morning? Well I might as well go see what she is looking for. I got up out of bed and walked over

to my desk because that was where she was standing. She turned around and had a scared expression on her face. She was holding a piece of paper that had black and gray writing. She handed

me the paper and I started to read it. It said "You had hurt me really badly and now you are going to pay for it." Kitty was still scared, but I assured her that nothing is coming to get her or me. But

I am still curious in how it got on my desk. I was actually scared to death about it so I got up and got ready quickly. I put on my black basketball shorts that were Ryan's but I stole from him, my

white cami and my high top converses. I grabbed my bag and my phone and started to run to Simone's house. I needed help on this mystery.

Simone pov

I woke up to the smell of waffles and toast down stairs. I threw on my baggy volleyball sweatpants that were black and were two sizes too big for me, my blue cami, and my under armor

sports flip flops. I was putting my hair up when I heard my door bell ring. Who in the hell would be here this early? I started walking down the stairs when I heard Laiyla's voice. I am amazed that

she got up this early. I hope she keeps this up everyday.

When I got down to the kitchen, Laiyla was holding up a piece of paper that had some kind of writing on it. She handed it to me and I read it. It was a threat letter! I looked up and Laiyla

looked scared. I went over and gave her a hug. Nathan had handed us coffee. I usually drink french vanilla and Laiyla drinks hazelnut. We had breakfast and then headed to school. We all decided

to get in Nathans truck and then headed to school. It was a quiet ride there because Laiyla kept her mouth shut. Nathan was holding my hand. I wondered why Ryan never wanted a ride to school

but I guess he would rather be by himself.

When we got into class, there was a group of people that had on the same chokers as Laiyla. I cannot believe that there are more vampires at this school. I looked more closely and saw Troy

with them. Then, Laiyla headed over there and she confronted him. I could not hear what they were saying, but then I saw Troy slap Laiyla in the face and then pushed her on the floor. I was so

pissed. I was gonna confront him but Nathan went over and talk to him. Nathan got mad and walked away. I went over and tried to calm him down. He kept on repeating "He is the most rude

person ever. Why in the hell would you hit a girl. He is one son of a bitch!" I went over and checked to see where Laiyla went, but I didn't see her. I found her on the floor crying in pain. I felt so

bad for her. I went and got a ice pack and gave it to her. I have no clue what to do for her. Troy is very rude and should not be allowed to stay at her house. I heard Ryan walking up the stairs. He

will be furious about what happened. He ran to Laiyla and said "What in the hell happened? Who did this to her?" I looked at Ryan and said "Troy and her were talking and then next thing, Troy

slapped her and pushed her to the ground. Nathan tried to talk to him but he got pissed and walked away. Don't do anything stupid to get her upset." Ryan looked pissed, but also upset for Laiyla.

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