Chapter 17

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Laiyla pov

Ryan stood in front of me wearing black skinny jeans, spiked belt, black and white DC's, and a dark blue shirt. His hair was gothic like. He looked like someone that I have meet before, but I am not

sure from where.

"I made it here. You have a big house!" he said. "Thanks, I guess. How did you find your way here?" I asked. " I knew your scent so I followed it here." He said. Figures, he's a vampire! He

looked very hansome but he looks completely different from in school. "This is how I actually dress. I kind of have 2 sides of me." He said. "It's ok. I like you for what's inside of you."I said. "You

are the only one that I have shown this side of me. I knew that you would accept me for who I really am." He said.

We both stared into each other's eyes for a little bit till I broke the ice by grabbing his hand so we could go upstairs. It feels like I have held his hand before.

I took him upstairs to my room because that is where I can get the most privacy. I was ready to talk to him, but I was not sure how he would react. "I really like your room. It suits you well.

It is just like you!" he said kindly. "Thanks!" I said. "I have a question for you." I said in a low tone. "What is it?" he said. "Do you practice Black Magic?" I said.

He stared at me again for about 2 minutes. He looked at me like he was in shock, but then he came to his senses. "My parents practice Black Magic, but I refuse to. I moved out and I moved to

this town, so I would be away from my parents. I had gone back about 3 years ago for a visit, but I came back after the ball." He said.

I was happy that he doesn't practice Black Magic, but what is that other necklace? It is just bothering me, I am going to find out what it is!

We talked for a little bit longer, when I realized that it was getting late, but we were so relaxed with each other, I did not want him to leave. This is the first time that I have ever been close to a

guy before, even if he wasn't, I would want to be with him.

"It is getting late, I think I should go now" he said. "Ok, that's fine." I said. I walked towards the door, when I realized that he was not behind me. He went out the window! Well theres a

vampire for you!

I sat on my bed when I saw a box with a note on my bed. I opened the box and saw a necklace with a black and blue heart charm on it. It was so beautiful! I opened the note and started to

read it. It said "Goodnight my love. Till we meet again, alone. Love Ryan." It also had an anime drawing of me with it. It was the most romantic thing a guy has ever done for me, but I have also

heard those words from somewhere, but I do not where they are from, oh well!

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