Chapter 9

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Simone pov:

The Next Day

I was so tired today. I got like no sleep last night. I had too much on my mind about yesterday, about all of the secrets that was given to me to keep safe. It's too much responsibility for me to handle. "Are you spacing out again, Simone?" said Nathan. He was a classmate of mine, we have been in the same class since Pre-K. He was tall, skinny, with blue eyes and long, blonde hair. None of the girls really liked him because he was into anime and manga, but he is handsome though. "Thanks for the wakeup call." "Are you ok, is there something wrong?" he said. "I am ok, but thanks." "If you want to talk, you can talk to me, ok?" he said. "Ok, thanks!" "No prob." he said. Laiyla came into the class room, all happy and cheery, like she always is. "Hey Simone, Hey Nathan!" she said. "Hey Laiyla." We both said. "Class is about to start, you should sit down." I said to Laiyla, in a soft tone. "Ok." she said.

The day passed by fast, since I couldn't think straight. There were so many questions I wanted to ask Laiyla, but I didn't want to ask most of the questions, since a lot of the questions were personal. I got home and it was quiet, till the phone rang. "Hello" "Hey Simone, its Laiyla." she said. "How did you get my number?!" "Nathan gave it to me. I did not see you at the end of the day and I was worried, so I called." she said. "Well thank you for calling, but I'll be ok." "Do you want to come over tomorrow, since it is Friday?" she said. "Sure, I will be there at noon." "Ok, see you then!" she said. "Ok, bye." There goes another day at the vampire house.

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