Chapter 18

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Laiyla pov

I had just woke up to my mom screaming up to my room "Honey, wake up! Simone is here!". I cannot believe that she would come to my house at noon! Doesn't she know that I sleep late on

the weekends? Oh well!

I got out of bed, still wearing my blue mini shorts and my black tank top that I have worn to bed and headed down the stairs. I looked at Simone and I saw this curious face expression that she

had. "Give me the scoop!" she said. "Will you shut up! My mom doesn't know about it so keep your big mouth shut till we get up to my room!"I said. "My bad." She said.

We got up to my room and I shut the door n locked it so my sister wouldn't walk in. "So is he a vampire?" she said. "No, he isn't and he doesn't practice Black Magic either, so it's all good." I

said. "Well that is good." She said.

"Hey! What is this?" she said while looking at the necklace and the anime drawing that Ryan had given me last night. "Who give this to you?" she said. "No one, just someone from Vamp,

they sent it to me, it's from one of my friends." I said. "Oh, that's cool!" she said.

I cannot believe she bought it. She is really too stupid. "Why were you at my house at noon. Don't you know that I am asleep till like 3!" I yelled at her. "My bad, I forgot that you are a vampire

for a minute." She said. She is too stupid!

Simone had stayed over for a couple more hours till I had to kick her out so I could get dressed. I could not get Ryan out of my head from last night. It had felt like I have been with him before,

but it was the first time that I had ever been with him. I had put on my black skinny jeans, black converses, white shirt with blue lightning bolts on it, and I had put on the necklace that Ryan had

gave to me. I had also put the picture that Ryan had drawn for me on my mirror so I could see it. I had hoped to see Ryan soon, but now it is time to start homework....

~~~~~~~~~Few Weeks Later~~~~~~

I had just come home from school, when I had noticed a vampire smell that I know of. I recognize the smell, but I am not exactly sure of who it is. I had opened up the door to the house,

when I saw Troy sitting on my couch! Troy is one of my best friends from Vamp. I have not seen him in 6 months. I was so excited to see him again. "Troy! Why are you here?" I said. "I

transferred schools because I could not stay in Vamp for much longer, with the war and all going on." He said. "Do my parents know that you are here?" I said. "Yea, I will be living with you guys,

for now on." He said. "I am so happy!" I said. "I am happy to see that you are in good help. How come I smell a vampire on you?" he said. "Oh, there is another vampire at school. His name is

Ryan. We have become really close, I will introduce you to him and to Simone and Nathan. They all know that I am a vampire." I said. "And they are cool with it?" he said. "well, they were not

actually ok with it in the beginning, but they learned to manage. They will like you, trust me!" I said. "Ok, I trust you." He said. I showed him to his room and then I went up stairs to start my

homework. When will teachers learn that we have lives and they don't and that is why they give us too much homework?

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